Efforts made to realize VietNam’s net - zero ambitions
To achieve its net-zero emissions target by 2050, as committed to at COP26, Vietnam must solve the problem of moving towards a low-carbon economy while meeting its target of becoming an industrialized country by 2045, as set out in Resolution No. 29. Implementing the 2050 target will open up many opportunities but will not be an easy journey for a developing country like Vietnam, and especially for its businesses. However, with strong orientations and solutions in place, unified from the central to local level, as well solutions in place, unified from the central to local level, as well as specific action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all fields, Vietnam can achieve its goals and cut greenhouse gas emissions to contribute to its net-zero ambitions. Businesses need to proactively assess the current status of greenhouse gas emissions and know where they stand in “Vietnam’s greenhouse gas emissions map”, and from there devise appropriate strategies and roadmaps to respond to their emission reduction obligations and invest in innovating low emission technologies.