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         At the forefront

         In his welcome address at VET’s Vietnam Connect Forum in Hai Phong on
         April 10, reproduced below, Mr. Le Tien Chau, member of the Party Cental
         Committee, Secretary of the Hai Phong city Party Committee, spoke of its
         efforts in green growth and green transition.

               eeply aware that green growth is                                   On that basis, the government and local-
               an important way to maintain and                                ities need to develop an adequate and com-
         D create sustainable growth momen-                                    prehensive legal corridor and appropriate
         tum for now and into the future, Hai                                  approach to encourage and create the most
         Phong has been one of the pioneering                                  favorable conditions possible for businesses
         localities in Vietnam in implementing                                 in the green transition process, by allowing
         the National Green Growth Strategy. Over                              the piloting of new economic models in a
         the last decade, it has always been among                             green and sustainable direction.
         the leaders in terms of socio-economic                                   Secondly, green transformation needs
         development. In 2023, in the context of                               an appropriate roadmap, taking into
         general difficulties facing the global and                            account the specific conditions and dif-
         domestic economy, the city’s gross regional                           ferent capacities of localities. For example,
         domestic product (GRDP) growth still   “Green and sustainable         localities with strengths in agriculture
         managed to reach 10.34 per cent, marking   economic development is key    will have different requirements and
         nine consecutive years of double-digit                                roadmaps than localities with a foundation
         growth, while export turnover reached   and has become a necessary    in industrial development. Therefore,
         $31 billion and cargo throughput at its   direction for all countries around   localities around the country must uphold
         ports stood at 170 million tons. Hai Phong   the globe and each locality to take,   a spirit of solidarity, cooperation, sharing,
         has also been a bright spot in FDI attrac-  including Hai Phong”.     and harmonizing interests to reach the
         tion, bringing in over $3.6 billion in 2023.                          goals set out by the government.
           In the first quarter of 2024, Hai Phong   H.E. Mr. Le Tien Chau        Thirdly, responding to the government’s
         ranked first among five centrally-run cities   Member of the Party Central Committee,   strategic orientation on green and sustainable
         in GRDP growth, with 9.32 per cent year-  Secretary of City Party Committee, Head   development, Hai Phong proposes that it
         on-year, or 1.6-fold higher than the national   of Hai Phong National Assembly Delegation  establish the country’s first green economic
         average. Domestic budget revenue reached                              zone, in the southern reaches of the Hai
         over VND18.9 trillion ($754.9 million),                               Phong coastal economic zone, while at the
         an increase of 130 per cent and representing                          same time developing the Cat Ba Archipelago
         50 per cent of the central allocation esti-                           into a “green” tourism destination. Hai
         mate, while export turnover stood at some                             Phong hopes to receive the attention and
         $7.74 billion, up more than 18 per cent.   helps us more clearly see the importance   support of the government, ministries,
         The DEEP C Industrial Park and the Nam   of protecting the living environment,   central agencies, and localities in this regard.
         Cau Kien Industrial Park in Hai Phong   ensuring harmony between people and   By co-organizing this important and
         are both oriented to develop into eco-  nature. Green and sustainable economic   meaningful event today, together with the
         industrial parks, pioneering the transition   development is key and has become a   Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vietnam
         to this model in Vietnam.          necessary direction for all countries around   Economic Times, Hai Phong hopes the
           On December 2, 2023, the government   the globe and each locality to take, includ-  Forum will create opportunities for all
         approved the Hai Phong City Master Plan   ing Hai Phong. At today’s Forum, on   parties to share their mission, vision, and
         for the 2021-2030 Period with a Vision to   behalf of Hai Phong, I would like to pro-  goals, seek opportunities and strengthen
         2050. This features six development view-  pose the following.        cooperation, and work from awareness to
         points, of which the city will focus on   Firstly, the Vietnamese Government’s   action on “greening” to contribute to creating
         developing a number of modern scientific   commitment to achieve net-zero emissions   a more beautiful and sustainable future.
         and technological fields and especially   at COP26 is impressive and demonstrates   As one of five centrally-run cities in
         its marine economy, to be truly at the   the country’s political determination.   Vietnam and as the economic engine of
         forefront of the country’s industrialization   However, the concept of sustainable devel-  the northern region, Hai Phong commits
         and modernization process. It will quickly   opment, net emissions, and carbon neu-  to continuing to synchronously and dras-
         become a city with modern industry and   trality are quite new to a large proportion   tically implement solutions and immerse
         services and high-tech, organic, green,   of Vietnam’s population. I think it is busi-  itself in the general development rhythm
         and circular agriculture associated with   ness that must play a leading role and   of the country, becoming a “green city”
         digital transformation.            support the commitment to net-zero emis-  based on a “green and sustainable econ-
           The global context is quite complex   sions and green development. Businesses   omy”. At the same time, it will effectively
         and unpredictable, with geopolitical con-  have all the necessary information, con-  implement green growth projects to
         flicts and crises caused by climate change   ditions, and resources to do so. Therefore,   improve its competitiveness, with a vision
         and the depletion of natural resources   I propose that businesses show a pio-  of becoming a model of a dynamic, green,
         posing a host of challenges to the devel-  neering spirit and take the lead in imple-  clean, and livable city in the region and
         opment of each and every country and   menting green and sustainable economic   also an attractive destination for domestic
         locality. At the same time, however, this   development strategies.   and foreign investors. %

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