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            T   he amended Land Law was passed recently by the   10  ECONOMY - POLICY
                National Assembly (NA) and is expected to
                contribute to resolving many of the ongoing    Positive signs in industrial
           problems in land management and encourage future
           development with new and breakthrough thinking and   production in January
           perspectives. The next important matter is to effectively
           implement mechanisms and policies to bring the law to   igures from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam
           life and make land a truly important resource, promote   F  (GSO) show that although industrial production
           land commercialization, and contribute to the country’s   continued to see a decline in January compared to
           socio-economic development. To quickly bring the Law   December, it increased substantially compared to January
           into life, the NA Chairman has requested that the   2023. The result was quite similar to last year, when declines
           government allocate resources and immediately prepare   were seen in the early months before returning to growth in
           conditions to promulgate and implement specific plans.   the closing months of the year. In particular, manufacturing
           Developing guiding documents is the major task in the   and processing was the main contributor to growth in the
           implementation plan. According to experts, the Law   entire industrial sector. Though there are positive signs,
           features groundbreaking new points and will form an   ministries and branches have forecast that the challenges will
           important legal basis to resolve problems and difficulties   linger into 2024. To achieve the targeted increase of 7-8 per cent
           in the Land Law 2013 and implement relevant land    against 2023, set by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, a great
           procedures, in particular allowing for strong       deal of support and facilitation is needed from the government,
           decentralization and administrative reforms that    ministries, branches, the banking system, and localities in
           localities must implement in the time to come.      taking more active measures to support industrial production.

            22  COVER STORY
                                                                12  ECONOMY - POLICY
           Positive impacts to come

           from revised Land Law

            A  t the “Land Law 2024: Legal Foundation for the
               New Development Phase of the Real Estate Market”
               seminar, held on January 31 by  a/b in
           cooperation with the Center for Natural Resources and
           Environment Communications at the Ministry of Natural
           Resources and Environment (MoNRE), representatives
           from the National Assembly (NA) and experts said the
           amended Land Law contains many new points on
           planning and land use plans; recovery; compensation,   EXPORTS UP STRONGLY
           support, and resettlement when the State recovers land;
           land allocation, land lease, and permission to change land   AS NEW YEAR GETS UNDERWAY
           use purposes; land registration, the issuance of land use
           rights certificates, and the ownership of assets attached   mports and exports have “leaped forward” at the
           to land; finance for land and land prices; the rights and   I
           obligations of land users; and the promotion of          beginning of the new year, especially exports, which
                                                                    are expected to continue to grow further in 2024.
           decentralization in the State management of land. The   According to data from the General Statistics Office of
           new Law is expected to resolve legal problems to
                                                                Vietnam (GSO), total import and export turnover of
           effectively exploit land resources, remove difficulties   goods was estimated at $64.22 billion in January, an
           facing businesses and projects, and contribute to helping
           the real estate market develop in a transparent and   increase of 37.7 per cent year-on-year, of which exports
                                                                rose 42 per cent and imports 33.3 per cent. The
           sustainable direction.
                                                                preliminary trade surplus was estimated at $2.92 billion.
                                                                The agricultural sector made an impressive contribution,
                                                                especially agricultural commodities.

           4   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM  |  Số 6  |  Ngày 5/2/2024                             
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