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          14  ECONOMY - POLICY                                       38  BANKING - FINANCE

                                                                     ENHANCING TRANSPARENCY
                Consumer demand recovers                             AND PREVENTING RISKS IN

                 as CPI up in opening month                          THE
                             of the year


                                                                     T   he amended Law on Credit Institutions 2024
                                                                         was approved by the National Assembly (NA)
          T   he consumer price index (CPI) in January increased 0.31 per cent   on January 18 and will take effect from July 1.
              compared to December and 3.37 per cent compared to January
              last year, the General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO) has said.   At the “Revised Law on Credit Institutions: Effective
          Domestic consumption is gradually recovering, but many workers’ lives   Resource Allocation” discussions organized by
          remain difficult two years after Covid-19, affecting growth in   a/b on February 3, experts and market
          consumption. Many policies to address difficulties in production and   participants said they believe that the associated new
          business were actively and synchronously implemented during 2023,   regulations will have a positive impact on preventing
          which provide an important premise for the business community to   risks from credit concentration and limit cross-
          boost production and business this year. The loosening of fiscal and   ownership and bank manipulation. However, in order
          monetary policies, the flexible management of many interest rate   for the regulations to be effective in practice, it is
          reductions, and the continued application of tax and fee reduction   necessary to further strengthen the supervisory role
          policies will have a positive impact on production and consumption   of independent members of Boards of Directors and
          throughout the course of 2024.                            Supervisory Boards.

           40  DIGITAL BIZ                                           48  TRADE - MARKET

                                                                    ‘Good news’ in agriculture,
          Legal framework for centralized
          information technology parks                              forestry and fisheries exports

          brings results                                             E  xport turnover of agriculture, forestry and
                                                                        fisheries products in January stood at $5.14
                                                                        billion, an impressive 79.2 per cent increase
                                                                    compared to January 2023, according to the General
                                                                    Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO). The industry
                                                                    posted a trade surplus of $1.43 billion, or 4.6-fold
                                                                    higher year-on-year. Export value to all markets
                                                                    increased. In the domestic market, the Ministry of
                                                                    Agriculture and Rural Development said prices of
                                                                    most products rose compared to December 2023 due
          A   fter more than ten years of implementation, the legal   to high demand as the Lunar New Year, or Tet,
                                                                    holiday approaches, but are relatively stable.
              corridor for centralized information technology parks has
              achieved certain successes. However, a range of
          inadequacies and problems have also appeared in practice, with
          the number of concentrated information technology parks still
          not commensurate with development potential and those in place
          fail to meet rapidly-changing needs in the era of booming digital
          technology. Some parks have faced difficulties implementing
          construction activities and attracting investment, while some of
          the existing regulations lack consistency. It is therefore necessary
          to supplement and complete the legal corridor to create
          momentum for information technology parks to focus on
          development in the new era.

                                                     Số 6 |  Ngày 5/2/2024  |  KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM  5
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