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                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET TUAN
                        Products repurposed

                       Vietnam counts among the pioneers in Southeast Asia in new recycling efforts,
                           reflecting its proactive commitment towards sustainable development.

                                                      | By LINH TONG

               ietnam is embracing a circular   challenge for businesses, as their respon-  necessitates accountability from both con-
               economy, focusing on resource   sibility now extends further and encom-  sumers and manufacturers regarding the
         V efficiency and waste recycling in   passes the entire journey.”     proper disposal of product packaging into
         keeping with global trends. The Law on   As a progressive addition to the Law   the environment. This initiative provides
         Environmental Protection 2020 introduced   on Environmental Protection 2020, the   additional financial support to businesses,
         the Extended Producer Responsibility   EPR aims to enhance reuse, recycling, and   organizations, or individuals engaged in
         (EPR) policy, effective from January 1,   waste reduction practices. It targets insti-  recycling, enabling them to invest in tech-
         2024, signifying a shift from voluntary to   gating changes in the behavior of producers   nology transfer, upgrade recycling methods
         mandatory recycling practices, governed   and consumers alike, encouraging the use   from basic to advanced, and meet com-
         by specified standards and ratios and pro-  of eco-friendly materials and moving   prehensive environmental safety standards.”
         viding an effective solution to address   towards a circular economy. Manufacturers   Over the past three years, regulatory
         waste issues and foster the development   and importers now shoulder dual respon-  authorities, manufacturers, importers, and
         of the recycling industry.         sibilities: managing waste collection and   recyclers have been working diligently to
                                            processing, and taking charge of recycling   refine and prepare for the implementation
         MODERN MEASURE                     packaging and products. Compliance   of the EPR policy in Vietnam. Mr. Phan
           “EPR is a relatively new concept for   involves adhering to a predefined schedule   Tuan Hung, Head of the Legal Department
         export-oriented enterprises like May 10,”   for fulfilling recycling obligations, with   at the Ministry of Natural Resources and
         Mr. Than Duc Viet, CEO of the May 10   options to undertake recycling independ-  Environment (MoNRE) and Director of
         Corporation, told VET. “Previously, when   ently, outsource to a third party, or con-  the National EPR Council Office, said the
         exporting goods, our responsibility stopped   tribute financially to the Vietnam Envi-  legal framework for enforcing the policy
         at the wharf and didn’t directly extend to   ronmental Protection Fund.   has been largely completed. MoNRE has
         retailers and consumers. The story is dif-  “We view EPR as a highly significant   also introduced an online registration and
         ferent now, however. EPR requires that   policy, acting as a pivotal factor in fostering   reporting system, allowing manufacturers
         manufacturers be responsible for products   the growth of the recycling industry in   and importers to conveniently register and
         all the way to the final consumer and   Vietnam in the years to come,” Mr. Hoang   submit information on the National EPR
         throughout the life of the product, even   Duc Vuong, Chairman of the VietCycle   Information Portal without the need for
         when it becomes waste. This presents a   Corporation, told VET. “The EPR policy   submitting hard copies.

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