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         Sky’s the limit                                                       structure on a cloud computing platform
                                                                               that inherits technologies from around the
                                                                               world, including the OpenSack platform.

                                                                               MARKET OF APPEAL
         Vietnam’s cloud computing market boasts outstanding
         potential and will continue ever-upwards if a number                     The demand for using cloud services in
                                                                               Vietnam grew dramatically in 2022, when
         of issues can be properly addressed.                                  the market size increased to $393 million;
                                                                               double the figure in 2021, according to the
         | By LINH NGOC                                                        VNCDC Report. However, by 2023, growth
                                                                               in the cloud market had slowed, largely
                                                                               due to economic recession putting pressure
                                                                               on enterprises to cut and optimize costs.
                                                                                  It has also been predicted that the mar-
                                                                               ket will see no major fluctuations this year
                                                                               and next, with its compound annual growth
                                                                               rate (CAGR) in the 2023-2025 period to
                                                                               stand at 20-23 per cent. By 2025, Vietnam’s
                                                                               cloud market size will reach about $768
                                                                               million. Statista has forecast that the market
                                                                               value of cloud services in the country will
                                                                               reach $291 million this year, with a CAGR
                                                                               of over 10 per cent.
                                                                                  According to AWS, Vietnam’s “National
                                                                               Digital Transformation Program to 2025 and
                                                                               Vision to 2030” sets a target of the country
                                                                               becoming a digital nation, a pioneer in testing
                                                                               new technologies and models, transforming
                                                                               public and private sector operations, ways
                                                                               of living, and working, and developing a
                                                                             PHOTO: VIET TUAN  safe, humane, and broad digital environment
                                                                               by 2030. This program has been widely fol-
                                                                               lowed by ministries and departments from
                                                                               the central to local level, such as the Ministry
            n the context of increasingly compre-  addition to the launch of AWS OutPosts. It   of Finance establishing a modern, public,
            hensive measures within Industry 4.0,   has also announced plans to launch a new   and transparent digital finance platform
         I Vietnam has been witnessing significant   AWS Local Zone in Hanoi. With these infra-  based on big data and open financial data,
         breakthroughs in the development of its   structure investments, local enterprise cus-  as well as a project on developing the appli-
         cloud computing market, according to the   tomers can run their applications and serve   cation of population data, identification, and
         Cloud Computing and Data Center Club   end-users with even lower latency from data   electronic authentication.
         of Vietnam (VNCDC)’s VNCDC Report   centers located in-country leveraging AWS   “Organizations and businesses in Viet-
         2023. Demand for cloud computing services   technologies to drive innovation.   nam will require the right infrastructure,
         in the country has increased dramatically,   The VNCDC Report also shows that   solutions, and services to fully take advantage
         which has caught the eye of major domestic   there is clear progress being made at large   of cloud and realize their business goals,
         and foreign businesses.            local enterprises such as Viettel, VNPT,   and AWS is fully committed to providing
                                            CMC, and FPT in providing cloud services.   its customers in the region with access to
         FOREIGN DOMINANCE                  The market share stood at 80 per cent for-  these services,” Mr. Eric Yeo, Country Man-
           The market share for cloud services in   eign and 20 per cent domestic in 2021, but   ager at AWS Vietnam, told VET. “In recent
         Vietnam is held primarily by foreign enter-  two years on the domestic share had crept   years, cloud services have been playing a
         prises such as Google, Microsoft, and Ama-  up to 22.2 per cent. “The rise of more than   critical role in helping Vietnam and ASEAN
         zon Web Services (AWS), the report shows.   2 per cent represents great efforts from   organizations increase productivity, reduce
           Microsoft Azure is the foundation of   domestic providers of internal cloud serv-  costs, and continue to innovate.”
         Microsoft Cloud, providing cloud services,   ices,” said Mr. Dang Tung Son, Deputy   Ms. Nguyen Quynh Tram, General Direc-
         developer tools, scale, and security to Viet-  General Director of CMC Telecom.   tor Vietnam at Microsoft, also pointed out
         namese startups and enterprises across a   In 2023, FPT Cloud officially launched   that Vietnam has a supportive and proactive
         range of industries, regardless of where   four new services, including FPT Kuber-  government that has issued many policies
         they are on their cloud journey. It provides   netes with GPU, FPT Incident Manage-  and strategies to promote digital transfor-
         a low code, no code approach and AI-pow-  ment, FPT Kafka, and FPT DevOps Service,   mation and cloud adoption. In 2022, the
         ered assistants called Copilots. Cooperation   bringing the total number of its cloud plat-  country posted the highest growth in the
         has been established with over 1,200 partners   form services to more than 25.    digital economy in Southeast Asia, and
         in Vietnam to deliver its services and solu-  Viettel officially launched its cloud com-  also aims to become a digital hub in the
         tions, 70 per cent of which are small and   puting ecosystem, Viettel Cloud, in 2022   region and has invested in building and
         medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).   as part of its digital transformation strategy   upgrading its infrastructure and data centers.
           AWS, meanwhile, has launched two Edge   and it has contributed to popularizing cloud   She added that Vietnam has a strong
         locations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City   services around Vietnam. VNPT Cloud has   IT workforce, with many talented and
         as well as the AWS Global Accelerator, in   also been launched, providing IT infra-  skilled developers and engineers. “The

         38  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  FEBRUARY 2024                                    
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