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             weden was the first country                                          and its business opportunities,” said
             in northern Europe to estab-                                         Mr. Marcus Wallenberg, Chairman of
        S lish diplomatic relations with                                          SEP, northern Europe’s biggest bank
        Vietnam, on January 11, 1969, and                                         and headquartered in Sweden.
        since then the partnership between
        the two countries has been contin-                                        Enhancing cooperation
        ually accelerated, especially in eco-                                        At the meeting, Deputy Prime
        nomic cooperation.                                                        Minister Tran Luu Quang briefed
           There remains ample space for                                          attendees on fields where Vietnam
        the further expansion of such coop-                                       has placed investment priority.
        eration between Vietnam and Sweden                                           Many businesses expressed interest
        as well as other countries in the region.                                 in the fields of industry, digital trans-
        And Vietnam remains attractive                                            formation, clean energy, and sustain-
        among northern European investors.    Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang speaks at the    able development.
                                       annual meeting of northern European CEOs in Hanoi    Vietnam has recorded remarkable
        Vietnam - Sweden relations     on March 10-13.                            economic growth, Mr. Wallenberg said,
           2024 marks the 55th anniversary                                        adding that what would attract
        of the establishment of diplomatic                                        investors in the future is ensuring a
        ties between Vietnam and Sweden,      Center of                           transparent business environment with
        with bilateral relations being devel-                                     accessible policies and procedures.
        oped and strengthened over time.                                             All countries strive to promote
        Bilateral cooperation has been diver-  attraction                         economic growth via investment attrac-
        sified to cover many new fields. At                                       tion, and the Vietnamese Government
        meetings with leaders in Vietnam,                                         is attempting to instigate changes to
        Swedish leaders have always affirmed                                      build a better environment.
        that Vietnam is an important partner   Vietnam’s enhanced economic           Deputy Prime Minister Quang
        of the country in the Asia-Pacific   cooperation with Sweden and other    spoke highly of the effective support
        region, and the two sides have agreed   countries in northern Europe has   and assistance from the international
        to enhance their cooperation via dif-                                     community, including foreign enter-
        ferent channels, including Party, State,   seen it retain its appeal among   prises in general and northern Euro-
        and people exchanges.                 investors from the region.          pean businesses in particular. Vietnam’s
           During her working visit to Swe-                                       foreign-invested economic sector has
        den in late 2023, Ms. Truong Thi Mai,         By TU ANH                   played an important part in its eco-
        Politburo Member, Permanent Mem-                                          nomic development, he affirmed.
        ber of the Communist Party of Viet-                                          Vietnam’s orientation in investment
        nam Central Committee’s Secretariat, and Head of the Committee’s   attraction is to create links between FDI and domestic economic
        Organization Commission, proposed that Sweden boost economic,   sectors and to promote the digital economy, the green economy,
        trade, and investment cooperation with Vietnam and enhance   the circular economy, and the knowledge-based economy.
        cooperation in fields where it holds strengths, such as green tech-  Priority has been given to investment projects in these economic
        nology, innovation, clean energy transition, and green energy.   sub-sectors, as well as fields such as science and technology, inno-
           Mr. Håkan Jevrell, State Secretary to the Minister for International   vation, electronic components, and electric vehicles, together with
        Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, visited Vietnam in   technological fields boasting potential, including semiconductors,
        March, where he affirmed that it is necessary to further develop and   new energy, renewable energy, financial centers, green finance,
        deepen relations between the two countries as partners, to deal   bio-technology, healthcare, and high-tech agriculture, the Deputy
        with arising issues such as climate change and green transition.   Prime Minister said, while proposing that businesses from northern
           Sweden remains keen to promote its cooperation with Viet-  Europe increase their exchanges and expand their cooperation
        nam in the fields of energy and sustainable development, Mr.   with Vietnam, particularly in strengthening supply chains. %
        Jevrell said, noting that his country leads in innovation and
        sustainable development in northern Europe and Swedish busi-
        nesses possess advanced technology to accelerate the green
        transition and the development of renewable energy as well as
        energy storage measures.                               Two-way trade turnover between Vietnam and Sweden reached $1.288
           He added that Swedfund, the development finance arm of   billion in 2023, down 20.4 per cent against 2022. Vietnam’s exports to
        the Swedish Government, is willing to help Electricity of Vietnam   Sweden totaled $946.1 million while its imports from the country stood
        (EVN) set up mechanisms to receive financial support for the   at $341.9 million, declines of 25.2 per cent and 3.3 per cent, respectively.
                                                               Most of Sweden imports are of commodities serving its people’s daily
        research of smart grid development.                    lives, including textiles and garments, footwear, and coffee, which are all
           Sweden places Vietnam in an important position within   strengths of Vietnam.
        its commodity supply chain, he said, and expressed a wish   Sweden ranks 29th among 143 countries and territories investing in
        that direct flights between Hanoi and Stockholm may soon be   Vietnam, with 109 effective projects and capital of over $733 million as of
        established to help facilitate links and cooperation between   the end of 2023.

        the two countries.                                   There are over 70 Swedish companies with representative offices in Vietnam
           The annual meeting of CEOs from northern European com-  and many are expanding their investment, production, and trade in such
        panies, held in Hanoi from March 10-12, also demonstrated   fields as information technology and communications, mechanics,
        Vietnam’s appeal among European investors.           automobiles, mining, electrical household appliances, packaging, and retail.
           “Ninety CEOs and Presidents of corporations from northern
        Europe attended the event and gained a positive view of Vietnam   Source: General Department of Vietnam Customs
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