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           Action needed soon to adapt

           Vietnamese agricultural products                     Solutions required to increase the

           to EU deforestation law                              export value of cinnamon, anise,

                                                                and medicinal plant products
            T    hree key products that Vietnam exports to the EU -
                 coffee, wood, and rubber - fall within the scope of the
                 European Union Regulation on Deforestation-free
           Products (EUDR), which was issued on June 23. The EU
           is an important market for Vietnamese coffee, wood, and
           rubber products, with annual export value hitting over $2.5   A  ccording to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, on the
           billion. Before the EUDR officially comes into effect,    world map of medicinal herbs, Vietnam is considered
           Vietnam must proactively establish a direct connection    to have diverse sources and its proportion of rare natural
           with the bloc to provide information and discuss     medicinal herbs remains high. The country boasts over 5,100
           classification criteria to reach consensus on a national   species of medicinal plants, with its cinnamon and anise being
           classification criteria. The Ministry of Agriculture and   widely consumed in South Asia, East Asia, the Middle East,
           Rural Development needs to coordinate closely with other   the US, and the EU. Given its sources, Vietnam holds potential
           relevant ministries and agencies, especially the Ministry of   and advantages in developing medicinal herbs into an
           Natural Resources and Environment, to unify the database   economic sub-sector. However, such goods do not post high
           on forestry resources and agricultural / forestry land.  export turnover. To increase market share and raise turnover,
                                                                it is necessary to plan and create a sufficiently large raw
                                                                material area to serve processing and exports and also to
            26  COVER STORY                                     promote branding efforts.
           Boost in export capacity

           required for agricultural                             12  ECONOMY - POLICY

                                                                 EXPORTS REGAIN GROWTH

            A    gricultural products are one of Vietnam’s key export   ‘RHYTHM’ BUT CHALLENGES LINGER
                 items, contributing greatly to the country’s overall
                 export turnover. However, proactive integration within
           the agriculture sector is not high. Exploiting opportunities
           from international economic integration and implementing
           commitments within free trade agreements (FTAs) to develop
           agricultural export markets have not been as effective as
           expected. To strengthen the export capacity of Vietnam’s
           agricultural industry, it is necessary to adopt synchronous
           solutions to support the entire industry in chain development,
           in particular helping agricultural businesses apply science and
           technology, innovation, and digitalization in production and
           processing to ensure quality.
                                                                 T   he total import and export turnover of goods in
                                                                     October has been estimated at $61.62 billion, up 4.1
                                                                     per cent over September and 5.6 per cent against
                                                                October 2022, according to the General Statistics Office of
                                                                Vietnam (GSO). After a sudden decline in September,
                                                                exports regained growth levels in October. But to reach the
                                                                annual target of $393-394 billion set at the beginning of
                                                                the year, exports over the next two months need to bring
                                                                in more than $100 billion, which is a huge challenge.
                                                                Organizations and businesses see that difficulties remain,
                                                                the economic downturn has not ended, geopolitical crises
                                                                are spreading, consumer behavior is changing, and price
                                                                competition from exporting countries continues, all of
                                                                which are unfavorable for exporters.

           4   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM  |  Số 45  |  Ngày 6/11/2023                           
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