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                                                                 30  PROPERTY

                                                                LACK OF CONSTRUCTION

           14  ECONOMY - POLICY                                 MATERIALS HINDER COMPLETION
          Industrial production continues                       OF HIGHWAY NETWORK

          to gain momentum
                                                                T   he demand for investment in transportation
                                                                    infrastructure around the country to meet socio-
                                                                    economic development requirements is substantial.
           I  ndustrial production in October continued its recent positive   Investors and contractors are concerned about the lack of
                                                               construction materials as they work to achieve the goals set
              trend, growing 5.5 per cent over September and 4.1 per cent
              year-on-year. Given this result, industrial production in the   out within Vietnam’s expressway network development plan.
          first ten months of the year has “escaped” from negative growth. Over   Meanwhile, State management agencies lack a mechanism to
          the closing months of 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade   effectively manage unit prices of materials on the market and
          believes Vietnam’s economy will maintain its macro-economic   deal with fluctuations in the prices of materials and supplies.
          stability and social stability will continue in the context of   Investors and contractors have proposed easing procedures
          complicated geopolitical and global economic fluctuations. The   for the issuance of mining licenses for materials in need. The
          government has made and will continue to make efforts to accelerate   Ministry of Construction will coordinate with the Ministry of
          public investment disbursement, especially over the closing months   Transport and relevant ministries and branches to conduct
          of the year, to create breakthrough growth. In addition, many   research and propose solutions to the government and the
          policies to remove difficulties in production and business have been   Prime Minister on effectively using construction materials, to
          introduced, including on taxes and fees. Free trade agreements   contribute to resolving difficulties from a shortage of leveling
          (FTAs) with Vietnam’s major market partners such as the EU and   materials for transportation infrastructure projects in the
          the US continue to have a positive impact on its trade and   Mekong Delta and especially the Eastern North-South
          investment and, especially, its exports.             Expressway project in the 2021-2025 period.

           42  INVESTMENT - INFRASTRUCTURE                        46  DIGITAL BIZ

           Concerns surround

           pilot policies to                                                   Potential
           clear capital flows                                        clear for IDC market
           in traffic projects                                             despite issues

          M   any pilot regulations are considered groundbreaking and are not   V  ietnam needs four or five additional internet data
                                                                     centers (IDCs) each year with a scale of 2,000 racks
              only “stimulating” more private investment capital and budget
              flows from many cities and provinces but also empowering   to basically meet its data needs, meaning the IDC
          capable localities to invest in large-scale road traffic projects, especially   market holds significant potential. In its strategy to build
          regional links. However, there remain many concerns when   national digital infrastructure, Vietnam aims to have all
          implementing specific policies in practice. For example, some projects   government agencies and 70 per cent of businesses using
          pass through crowded residential areas and incur substantial site   cloud computing and the data infrastructure services of
          clearance costs, so the State’s low capital contribution to projects still   domestic providers by 2025. But, in fact, given the plans
          make it difficult to call for investment in the public-private partnership   of technology businesses that provide storage services, it
          (PPP) form. Under a government proposal, road traffic projects can   will be difficult for Vietnam to secure these four or five
          “relax” the ratio of State capital participation to a maximum of 70 per   more IDCs each year. Reasons include capital access and
          cent of the total investment, an increase of 20 per cent compared to   competition with international tech giants possessing
          current regulations, to attract investors. The assignment of a number   servers and data centers outside of Vietnam. The Ministry
          of localities to balance resources and have sufficient capacity and   of Information and Communications has repeatedly
          management experience to carry out the tasks of the governing agency   called for Vietnamese businesses to prioritize using
          and the Ministry of Transport is expected to create a breakthrough in   Vietnamese products. Some network operators believe
          road transport infrastructure investment and improve the efficiency of   that management agencies also need to issue policies to
          using State budget funds from the central and local levels.  attract customers to Vietnam.

                                                  Số 45  |  Ngày 6/11/2023  |   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM   5
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