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            8  COVER STORY
                                                                 26  OP EDS
           Circular economy a step forward

           in sustainable development                                        Green transformation,
                                                                             digital transformation,
            T    ransitioning from a linear, resource-intensive economy   circular economic transformation
                 to developing under a circular economic model is an
                 appropriate approach in Vietnam resolving emerging
           challenges and achieving sustainable development. The         for sustainable development
           Vietnam Circular Economy Forum 2023, with the theme
           “Developing a National Action Plan to Implement a Circular
           Economy”, was organized by the Ministry of Natural
           Resources and Environment on November 16 to implement
           major orientations and policies from the Party and State on
           promoting a circular economy in Vietnam while determining
           a roadmap, promoting public-private cooperation, and   M  anaging, allocating, and effectively using land and
           mobilizing bilateral and multilateral resources from      resources, protecting the environment, proactively
           international organizations and the business community to   responding to climate change, and mitigating natural
           effectively implement the National Action Plan to Implement   disasters are urgent requirements in promoting Vietnam’s
           a Circular Economy.                                  sustainable development and receives full attention from the
                                                                Party and the State. Managing, exploiting, and using natural
                                                                resources economically and effectively, protecting the
           14  COVER STORY                                      environment, and responding to climate change are goals and
                                                                content  within  sustainable  development.  Green
          Efforts to promote a                                  transformation, digital transformation, and circular economic
                                                                transformation are challenges and opportunities for Vietnam
          circular economy                                      to develop sustainably and achieve its goal of becoming a
                                                                developed, high-income country by 2045.

            D   eveloping under a circular economy model and a green   35  PROPERTY
                economy is the direction chosen by many countries to
                achieve sustainable development. In Vietnam, the
          Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has
          developed a draft National Action Plan to Implement a   Behind rising
          Circular Economy and is seeking comments from ministries,
          branches, localities, and the business community. Rather than
          previous economic activities, which consumed a lot of   real estate prices
          resources and posed a high risk of pollution, Vietnam could
          create new, highly-efficient value-added chains, harmonizing
          relations between the economy and environmental protection
          and contributing to the implementation of commitments on
          net-zero emissions by 2050. Within the framework of the
          Vietnam Circular Economy Forum 2023, domestic and
          international experts shared their experience and offered
                                                                 A   (VARS), real estate prices have increased dozens of
          solutions to promote a circular economy in Vietnam.        ccording to the Vietnam Association of Realtors

                                                                     times over the past decade, creating more difficulties
                                                                for the market and hindering the implementation of social
                                                                security goals. VARS believes that low interest rates and
                                                                record high inflation are factors contributing to the sharp
                                                                increase in house prices, but the core of the problem is
                                                                falling supply. Many analysts have said that housing prices
                                                                will continue to increase in 2024 but not a great deal, due
                                                                to the effect of drastic solutions to remove difficulties facing
                                                                the market; The supply side also has better access to credit.
                                                                To increase access to safe housing at reasonable prices for
                                                                people amid population growth and urbanization, it is
                                                                necessary to resolve the most important factor in rising real
                                                                estate prices - a lack of supply due to land not being used
                                                                optimally. It is also necessary to use tools to regulate supply
                                                                and demand for the market to develop sustainably.

           4   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM  |  Số 47  |  Ngày 20/11/2023                          
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