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          40  BANKING - FINANCE
                                                                46  DIGITAL BIZ
                                                                DA NANG COMPLETES

          MORE CREDIT                                           INFRASTRUCTURE
          TO REMOVE                                             FOR SMART CITIES,

          DIFFICULTIES                                          CONNECTING VIETNAM
                                                                AND ASEAN

                                                                R   esolution No. 43-NQ/TW from the Politburo on
                                                                    building and developing Da Nang city to 2030 with a
          M   any analysts believe that existing incentive mechanisms for   complete the construction of smart urban areas,
                                                                    vision to 2045 sets a goal that “By 2030, Da Nang will
              social housing investors are not sufficiently attractive and few
              businesses are interested in its development. Meanwhile, banks   synchronously connecting with the smart urban network in
          are facing difficulties because preferential lending within the   the country and the ASEAN region.” The central city
          VND120 trillion ($5 billion) support package is done entirely with   therefore focuses on developing information and
          capital mobilized from commercial banks, so they must be concerned   communications technology infrastructure to approach
          about preserving capital. The Hanoi Department of Construction has   trends in Industry 4.0, and deploying digital transformation
          proposed that there be a separate chapter in the Law on Bidding   by 2025 with a vision to 2030, in which determining to build
          regarding selecting investors for social housing projects in a   an Intelligent Operation and Monitoring Center (IOC
          streamlined fashion. In order for banks to be able to arrange a large   Center) is among the key tasks. Putting the IOC Center into
          amount of capital at preferential interest rates for social housing, the   operation is expected to contribute to building a friendlier
          State needs to introduce certain support mechanisms, through   and smarter Da Nang, serving the goal of implementing
          monetary policy tools, and at the same time create conditions for   urban government and accelerating the process of building
          banks to mobilize long-term and low-cost capital sources.  a digital government in the city.

           48  TRADE - MARKET                                    52  SOCIETY

                                   Early warnings of            SILK IN NEED

                          trade defense measures                OF COMPREHENSIVE
                               maintain advantages

                                           for exports

          A   ccording to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT),   A  ccording to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
                                                                    Development (MARD), Vietnam has nearly
              with Vietnam participating in many free trade
              agreements (FTAs), tariff barriers are gradually being   40,000 farming households currently engaged in
          removed and exports of many products are on the rise. Trade   growing mulberry trees and raising silkworms. However,
          defense measures, however, have been increasing in recent   contrary to growth in market demand, many silk villages
          times, especially in the US. The Trade Remedies Authority of   are increasingly facing difficulties. To achieve the goal of
          Vietnam at the MoIT has coordinated with units, ministries,   bringing the export value of the silk industry to $150
          branches, localities, associations, and businesses to effectively   million annually by 2025, comprehensive solutions from
          handle and respond appropriately, including early warnings   science and technology are required. The mulberry tree
          over the risk of trade defense investigations. When identifying   value chain is in need of a comprehensive incentive
          the risks, through early warnings, MoIT recommends that   program. MARD is currently implementing a pilot
          businesses gain basic information and knowledge about trade   scheme on building standard agricultural and forestry
          defense and trade defense regulations to understand their   raw material areas for domestic consumption and export
          rights and obligations.                              in the 2022-2025 period.

                                                Số 47  |  Ngày 20/11/2023  |   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM  5
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