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                                                                   6  ECONOMY - POLICY

            14  COVER STORY

           New economic models create                            EXPORT DECLINES A MAJOR
           breakthroughs for sustainable                         CHALLENGE OVER REMAINDER
           growth and development
                                                                 OF THE YEAR
            O   n October 6, in Hanoi,                                           and the
                Central Institute for Economic Management
                (CIEM) co-hosted the Vietnam New Economy
           Forum 2023, with the theme “New economic models to
           promote   breakthrough  growth  and   sustainable     A   fter four consecutive months of growth, September
           development”. The results of the Forum will serve as a    exports were down 4.1 per cent compared to August.
           reliable source of reference information for policymakers and   Under some forecasts, there will be many positive
           managers to ensure that the process of building, adjusting,   signs from now until the end of the year. According to the
           and implementing policies is appropriate and creates   Ministry of Industry and Trade, however, global economic
           conditions for investment to transition to new economic   instability and uncertainty are at their highest level for many
           models. The Forum also aims to create opportunities for   years, affecting macro-economic stability and Vietnam’s
           businesses to share and respond to information on current   growth prospects. These issues will have a degree of impact
           policies and exchange and consult with domestic and   on Vietnam’s export performance.
           international experts to promote investment in new
           economic models, increasing value and efficiency.

            28  COVER STORY
                                                                 8  ECONOMY - POLICY

            O   n October 6, in Hanoi,                                                celebrated
                the 20th anniversary of the Vietnamese Excellent
                Brands program (2003-2023), announcing the Top 10
           and Top 50 Vietnamese Excellent Brands in 2022-2023.
           Excellent brands include corporate brands posting
           impressive production and business results, and brands that   Attracting
           are pioneers in innovating advanced science and technology,
           creating new breakthroughs in the value chain of production,   ‘green’ capital
           business and trade of products and services; Pioneering   from foreign
           brands implement action plans on sustainable development,
           environmental improvements, and climate change, aiming   investors
           to implement Vietnam’s net-zero commitment while
           strengthening policies towards workers and the community.
           Enterprises with high brand value are evaluated and valued
                                                                 V   invest an additional $368 billion from now until 2040,
           by reputable domestic and international organizations.    ietnam, according to the World Bank (WB), needs to
                                                                     or about 6.8 per cent of GDP each year, on the roadmap
                                                                to combat climate change and reduce emissions. However, it
                                                                faces a lack of long-term capital. The early issuance of a list of
                                                                green investment projects with specific criteria would help
                                                                Vietnam gain more opportunities to attract foreign
                                                                investment. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has
                                                                proposed many solutions from two important perspectives,
                                                                which are improving resilience to climate impacts and
                                                                pursuing a growth strategy that directs the economy to
                                                                gradually reduce carbon-intensive energy sources.

           4   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM  |  Số 41  |  Ngày 9/10/2023                           
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