Page 5 - KTVNSO41
P. 5


                                                              A   (MoF), as of the end of September, the disbursement
          40  PROPERTY                                            ccording to figures from the Ministry of Finance
                                                                  of public investment capital reached 47.75 per cent of
                                                             the target. With a disbursement target of 95 per cent this
                                                             year, nearly 50 per cent of capital must be disbursed over the
                                                             remaining three months of the year. This is an extremely
                                                             difficult task for all levels and sectors. The MoF has proposed
         Effort needed in boosting                           three solutions to speed up disbursement.
         disbursement of public

         investment capital

          44  DIGITAL BIZ                                         52  TRADE - MARKET
                                                                  VIETNAMESE EXPORTS LARGE

                                                                  IN QUANTITY BUT WITH

                                                                  MODEST BRANDS

          Tackling fraud in the

           I  n the context of digital transformation, as people’s activities   T  he Ministry of Industry and Trade believes that after
                                                                     nearly five years of implementation, the
              move from the tangible space to the digital space and they
              conduct electronic transactions, including online payments,   Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for
          different types of cyber fraud also appear. Authorities have recently   Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has brought positive
          taken measures and actively dealt with fraud cases, such as network   results for Vietnamese exports. However, although export
          operators cooperating with the Ministry of Information and   turnover for some Vietnamese products to markets in
          Communications to decide not to sell SIM cards at agencies. Banks,   CPTPP countries are growing, value remains modest and
          meanwhile, plan to review and purge junk accounts. The National   their market share is not commensurate with potential.
          Assembly recently approved the amended Law on Electronic   Therefore, building brands for export products is a
          Transactions, helping complete the legal corridor for transaction   concern for many businesses. They must also pay
          activities in cyberspace, especially expanding the scope of   attention to registering and protecting intellectual
          application of electronic transactions to all activities in life.  property rights for branded products in foreign markets.
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