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                                                                 6  ECONOMY - POLICY

            14  COVER STORY
                                                                CIEM PROPOSES
           Reform of special                                    TWO GROWTH SCENARIOS

           consumption tax requires                             FOR 2024


            V    ietnam’s method of calculating special consumption
                 tax rates on alcohol, which has been applied for the
                 past 34 years, is becoming outdated. The application
           of a new tax calculation method is being considered, to
           ensure harmony of interests between parties and create    ith assumptions on the global economic outlook in
           consensus in implementation. A highlight of a proposal to   W  2024 and the anticipated use of a number of domestic
           conduct a Law on Special Consumption Tax (amended)        economic policy tools, the Central Institute for
           project is to add a basis for calculating rates according to a   Economic Management (CIEM) has proposed two economic
           mixed tax calculation method, curbing the purchase of   growth scenarios for 2024. In the first, it forecasts that
           unhealthy products while making a major contribution to   economic growth will reach 6.13 per cent for the year, with
           State budget revenue.                                exports to increase 4.02 per cent, a trade surplus of $5.64
                                                                billion to be posted, and average inflation to come in at about
                                                                3.94 per cent. In the second scenario, CIEM forecasts that
            16  COVER STORY
                                                                GDP growth will be about 6.48 per cent, exports will increase
            Effective calculation of special                    by 5.19 per cent, the trade surplus will be $6.26 billion, and
                                                                inflation will come in at 3.72 per cent.
            consumption tax must achieve

            dual goals
                                                                 8  ECONOMY - POLICY

             T   he Ministry of Finance is implementing proposals to
                 amend the Law on Special Consumption Tax under
                 Decision No. 508 and Resolution No. 115 from the
            government. The design of special consumption tax policy is
            quite complex because dual goals must be met. The first is to
            regulate incomes and guide production and consumption
            towards protecting the environment and enhancing people’s
            health. The second is to create a sustainable source of budget
            revenue. There are two streams of thought surrounding the   Land Law to provide effective
            method for calculating special consumption tax, including
            continuing to apply a relative tax system based on a   use of land resources
            percentage, levied on product value, and increasing rates
            under a roadmap, or transitioning to a mixed tax system.
                                                                 T   he amended Land Law was recently approved by the
                                                                     National Assembly (NA), containing a number of new
                                                                     and outstanding points that are expected to remove
                                                                existing obstacles, difficulties, and inadequacies, and
                                                                contribute to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of land
                                                                management and use, for land resources to fully serve the
                                                                country’s socio-economic development. In order for the Law
                                                                to be impactful immediately after taking effect, the
                                                                government and relevant ministries and branches should
                                                                urgently develop and introduce detailed regulatory documents
                                                                and guide the transition under regulations, to ensure the
                                                                legitimate rights and interests of the State, the people, and
                                                                businesses. The Land Law is a major legislative project, with
                                                                special meaning and importance for the country’s political,
                                                                socio-economic, national defense and security, and
                                                                environmental protection endeavors, and has a profound
                                                                impact on all walks of life and the business community. It is
                                                                also, however, a very difficult and complex topic.

           4   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM  |  Số 4  |  Ngày 22/1/2024                            
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