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          22  BANKING - FINANCE                                 30  INVESTMENT - INFRASTRUCTURE
         BAD                                                     Removing obstacles to

         DEBT                                                    develop industrial parks



                                                                A   ccording to the Ministry of Planning and Investment,
                                                                    as of the end of 2023, Vietnam had 414 industrial
          A    policy of extending or postponing debt and maintaining   were attracting investment. Total disbursed capital for
                                                                    parks, of which 293 had been put into operation and
              the same debt groups for customers has been applied by
              the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) since March 2020 and   projects in industrial parks and economic zones stood at
          has been extended to the present. Regulations were issued   $212 billion as of the end of 2022. However, attracting
          mainly towards providing banks with a mechanism to delay   investment to develop industrial parks and economic zones
          recognition and provisioning and to create the conditions to   has exhibited limitations that need to be overcome, such as
          extend timelines for real estate investors to resolve their   legal issues and financial policy. The total investment needed
          approaching debt obligations. The sudden acceleration of credit   to develop infrastructure and fill industrial parks is
          in the closing month of 2023 may have caused bank bad debt   estimated at $670-720 billion by 2030. Without basic policies
          ratios to hit a lower level in the fourth quarter. However, this   to open up capital flows, create favorable conditions for
          ratio is likely to increase again in the first half of 2024, as credit   investors to access production factors, and innovate
          growth slows and macro-economic factors show no clear signs   investment promotion activities, it will be difficult to
          of improvement.                                      mobilize sufficient capital.

           34  PROPERTY                                           48  TRADE - MARKET

               Real estate market and legal

                gaps need to be addressed                         Preparing Vietnamese businesses
                                                                  to ‘shake hands’ with the EU

                                                                  B  oosting links and cooperation between Vietnamese
                                                                     and EU businesses will play an important role in
                                                                     the implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade
                                                                 Agreement (EUVFTA). Taking advantage of European
                                                                 raw materials and technology to produce better quality
                                                                 goods and more deeply participate in global supply chains
           I  n an overall assessment of market developments in 2023,   is among the major expectations for Vietnamese
                                                                 businesses when the EUVFTA enters into a new
              many real estate management and research units believe
              that although many positive changes have been seen, real   implementation phase. In particular, the State must
          estate supply and transaction volumes remain limited compared   complete the legal system to suit investors from the EU.
          to 2022. Real estate businesses continue to face lingering   A willingness to cooperate is also required, to improve the
          difficulties. The Ministry of Construction has proposed a series   investment environment, human resources quality, digital
          of specific solutions to promote the healthy and sustainable   transformation, and innovation, in order to welcome
          development of the real estate market, with special emphasis on   projects with high technology, source technology, and
          institutional improvements and addressing legal gaps.  advanced technology from developed countries.

                                                   Số 4  |  Ngày 22/1/2024  |   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM   5
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