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                                                               6  ECONOMY - POLICY
                                                               T   he Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for
                                                                   Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) officially took
                                                                   effect in Vietnam on January 14, 2019, and was
                                                              expected to be a turning point creating new momentum and
                                                              promoting trade and investment cooperation between
                                                              Vietnam and agreement partners. According to the Ministry
                                                              of Industry and Trade (MoIT), Vietnam’s exports to the
                                                              CPTPP market stood at $36.87 billion in 2018, $39.23 billion
                                                              in 2019, $38.34 billion in 2020, $45.71 billion in 2021, up
                                                              19.22 per cent, $53.54 billion in 2022, and $50.18 billion in
                                                              2023, down 6.31 per cent. In addition to expanding Vietnam’s
                                                              export markets, the CPTPP has helped boost institutional
                                                              reform and the introduction of more transparent and clearer
                                                              legal instruments, thereby having a positive impact and
            EXPORTS UP AFTER                                  bringing benefits to businesses. However, businesses are still
                                                              to take full advantage of the opportunities the agreement
            FIVE YEARS OF CPTPP                               provides, as they must fully meet standards on export quality,
                                                              compete for high-quality human resources, and overcome
                                                              limitations in capital, technology, and market information.

           27  BANKING - FINANCE                               38  PROPERTY
           FACTORS TO AFFECT                                    REAL ESTATE BUSINESSES
           INTEREST RATES IN 2024                               MUST CONTINUE TO

                                                                ‘WEATHER THE STORM’

                                                               T   he most difficult period for the real estate market has
                                                                   passed, with the market beginning to show positive signs
           T  he State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) lowered operating interest   general, business activities in the field still involve dealing with
                                                                   in late 2023 and early 2024, according to analysts. But, in
              rates four times in 2023 to reduce mobilization and lending
              interest rates, which contributed to increasing access and   a host of issues. Real estate businesses need to adopt specific
          capital supply in the economy. Credit institutions have predicted   and feasible plans to pay off maturing bond debts, especially
          that deposit and lending rates may continue to fall slightly, by 0.3-  this year. At the same time, it is necessary to consider
          0.4 per cent on average in the first quarter of 2024 and 0.2 per cent   diversifying capital sources, reducing financial leverage,
          for the year as a whole. Developments in economic growth,   limiting investment spread, and aiming for transparency and
          changes in investment needs in production and business,   professionalism. It is also necessary to focus on researching key
          investment, import and export opportunities, and SBV solutions   points in the Land Law 2024, the Law on Housing 2023, and
          are expected to contribute to stimulating credit demand over the   the Law on Real Estate Business 2023, to continue ‘weathering
          course of the year.                                 the storm’ and secure a sustainable foundation for the future.

                                                                O   export turnover Vietnam earned from China in
            50  TRADE - MARKET                                      f the $12.2 billion in agriculture, forestry and fishery

            China may provide opportunities                         2023, livestock products accounted for just 1 per
                                                               cent, or less than $150 million. The main reason for the
            in livestock product exports                       low figure is that China has not yet allowed the
                                                               importation of meat products from Vietnam. However, it
                                                               recently agreed to review Vietnam’s exports of poultry
                                                               meat. To expand its meat export markets, Vietnam must
                                                               strongly develop processing factories and its products
                                                               must meet international standards. Export turnover for
                                                               agriculture, forestry and fishery products to China is
                                                               forecast to increase sharply in the near future if changes
                                                               are forthcoming.

                                                   Số 5  |  Ngày 29/1/2024  |   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM   5
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