Page 17 - VET352
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Gradual in nature
The move towards green development has not only become a global economic
imperative but also a crucial aspect in the growth of Vietnam’s tourism and hospitality
industry, with hotels steadily undertaking their own transformation e!orts.
ince its arrival in Vietnam’s hospi- has had a noticeable effect in reducing and monitoring of electricity use throughout
tality market, SOJO Hotels has been environmental waste while also cutting the hotel aim to bolster staff awareness
S proactive in addressing diverse cus- costs. Meliá also opts for glass bottles over and the commitment to green initiatives,
tomer needs, offering sustainable accom- plastic bottles, and refills water during fostering sustainable development.
modation and minimizing any environ- guests’ stays to cut waste and expense. Vietnam saw a significant uptick in both
mental impact. It was a pioneer in digital Larger containers replace shampoo and domestic and international tourism last
transformation, with its TNTech Smart shower gel bottles in rooms, while printed year, with foreign visitors alone reaching
Hotel Solution optimizing the guest expe- materials have moved from plastic and an estimated 11.2 million in the first eleven
rience while conserving energy. Features nylon to paper and recycled wheat flour months. Surpassing initial targets by more
like optical character recognition (OCR) products. Room appliances, especially in than 85 per cent, the tourism industry
facilitate seamless guest registration, while bathrooms, are streamlined, and guests showcased its robust recovery from Covid-
ChatBot/AI assists customers 24/7. And decide when to change bedding and linen. 19, most notably in Hanoi and Ho Chi
Internet of Things (IoT) technology, with Embracing technology to conserve water Minh City, which experienced substantial
automated sensor-controlled lights, curtains, and electricity is another widespread practice growth in room capacity and rates compared
air conditioning, and TVs, helps cut energy across Meliá properties. Ongoing training to 2022. Ho Chi Minh City boasted 15,641
consumption. SOJO Hotels also upgraded
its server systems to reduce electricity use
and curb its carbon dioxide emissions. With
synchronized digital transformation across
the chain, it achieved a 15 per cent reduction
in energy consumption and a 10 per cent
fall in carbon dioxide emissions compared
to other hotels of similar scale.
Mr. Tran Thai Do, the investor in Silk
Sense Hoi An River Resort in central Quang
Nam province’s famed Hoi An ancient town,
said it has been committed to environmental
protection since its inception. The resort
utilized eco-friendly materials like AAC
non-fired bricks in its construction and
employs variable frequency central air con-
ditioning and water heating systems. From
mineral salt pools to Kangen water bottles
and organic vegetable gardens, every aspect
of the resort ensures minimal environmental
impact, including ozone layer protection.
By drastically reducing plastic waste, the
resort has created a sustainable business
model that attracts responsible travelers,
contributing to Vietnam’s eco-tourism brand.
Also participating in the green move-
ment, the Meliá hotel chain is striving
towards sustainability in all respects. Ms.
Le Ho Xuan Huong, Customer Experience
Manager and Head of the Lobby Depart-
ment at Meliá Hue, spoke of the hotel’s
green transformation. It follows global
green standards, substituting plastic straws
with rice and paper straws. Many businesses
are gradually phasing out plastic straws or
providing them only upon request, which