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                                                                 10  ECONOMY - POLICY
          16  COVER STORY
         RISING                                                 DIFFICULT TO ACHIEVE
         Demand for rising                                      NATIONAL FINANCIAL PLAN 2021-2025
         INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE                                 RISK FROM TARGETS BEING

                                                                 S   ome of the targets in the national financial plan for the
                                                                     2021-2025 period are likely to be difficult to achieve,
                                                                     such as the proportion of domestic revenue in total State
                                                                budget revenue, revenue from equitization and divestment of
          A    ccording to an assessment from the Ministry of   State capital in enterprises and development investment
               Construction (MoC), the amount of FDI going to the
               manufacturing and processing sector in the first nine   expenditure from foreign capital sources, and the direct debt
         months of 2023 continued to lead in total investment, with   repayment obligations of the government / State budget
                                                                revenue that are close to the warning threshold. In the
         more than $14 billion, accounting for 69.3 per cent of the total
         and increasing by 15.5 per cent over the same period of 2022.   government’s view, the process of restructuring the State
         At the same time, the recent trend of multinational    budget still has many shortcomings. In organizing
         corporations shifting industrial real estate investment into   implementation for 2024 and 2025, the government will
         Vietnam has had an impact, causing industrial park real estate   continue to direct relevant ministries and agencies to continue
                                                                implementing and achieve the targets set. Accordingly, the
         demand to grow this year. However, the planning and
         development of industrial parks, economic zones, and   government will promote institutional improvements, handle
         industrial clusters in recent times has revealed a number of   problems between laws, continue to restructure State budget
         limitations. The MoC has made five recommendations. It will   expenditures, strictly control State budget overspending, and
         coordinate closely with relevant ministries, branches, and   amend, supplement and complete regulations for the financial
                                                                services market.
         agencies to perfect legal institutions, mechanisms and policies
         on planning and developing industrial parks, economic zones,
         and industrial clusters.
                                                                 13  ECONOMY - POLICY

                                                                 FOCUS ON INVESTMENT

            6  ECONOMY - POLICY                                  TO PROMOTE GROWTH
             BREAKTHROUGH                                        AT YEAR’S-END


             GROWTH GOALS

            V    ietnam’s GDP growth in 2023 as a whole is estimated to   he biggest growth driver in Vietnam’s economy over
                 reach over 5 per cent and 6-6.5 per cent is targeted for 2024.
                 National Assembly (NA) delegates highly regard the   T  the closing two months of the year and the years to
           economic indicators posted in recent times. However, amid   come is public investment. Over the past nine months,
           difficult and challenging circumstances, to achieve Vietnam’s   the Prime Minister and the government have made many
           growth goals it is necessary to act more decisively and identify new   specific instructions through resolutions, directives, and
           breakthrough solutions. It also is necessary to look directly at the   telegrams to encourage the disbursement of public
           problems, difficulties, and obstacles to focus on quickly resolving   investment capital. Ministries and localities have focused on
           them and boost development. Emphasizing six guiding viewpoints,   directing and creating favorable conditions for investors and
           the Prime Minister noted the synchronous and effective   contractors to speed up the construction of projects and other
           implementation of Resolutions from the Party and the NA,   works. But the implementation of public investment capital
           especially three strategic breakthroughs, six key tasks, and 12 main   has not yet met expectations due to certain shortcomings that
           groups of solutions; and work done to promote the strength of the   cannot be completely overcome. It is therefore necessary to
           entire political system and the people; arouse a desire to build a   focus fiercely on implementing solutions synchronously to
           strong country; tighten discipline; and firmly grasp reality and   achieve set goals and be proactive in project implementation
           respond proactively, flexibly, promptly, and effectively.  while avoiding disruptions in the implementation and
                                                                disbursement of capital resources.
           4   KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM  |  Số 44  |  Ngày 30/10/2023                          
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