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                                                                  34  INVESTMENT - INFRASTRUCTURE
          27  BANKING - FINANCE                                    RAILWAY

          Solution for capital market                              GIANT
          to become less dependent                                                     struggling to
                                                                                       escape losses
          on collateral
                                                                  T  he Commission for the Management of State Capital
                                                                     at Enterprises (CMSC) has submitted a report to
          C   ollateral has been viewed as a safety measure in the capital   scheme to restructure the Vietnam Railway Corporation
                                                                     Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai on approving a
              market in recent times, including bank credit and corporate
              bonds. Analysts believe that relying too much on collateral will   (VNR) to 2025. The scheme was compiled in 2016 and has
          slow the development of the capital market. As society and the   been altered and re-submitted many times but has not yet
          economy develop, there will be more and more professions without   been approved, in part because the ‘giant” of the railway sector
          collateral, such as the information technology or service industries.   was transferred to the CMSC in November 2018, leading to a
          To harmonize risk management, ensure safety and credit growth,   large amount of work that needs to be clarified. It is necessary
          credit institutions need to consider credit ratings for customers with   to urgently implement the restructuring of businesses and
          large outstanding loans or large loan needs for investment. In   units, after missing the restructuring timeframe for the 2016-
          Vietnam, Decree No. 88/2014/ND-CP being issued to regulate the   2020 period. VNR continues to complete its restructuring
          licensing and operations of credit rating organizations has created   project for the 2021-2025 period and will submit it to the
          conditions for the formation of an official credit rating market.  Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

          42  TRADE - MARKET                                      46  BUSINESS
                                                                  Improving competitiveness
          Coffee industry                                         for businesses in
          must transform to                                       THE DIGITAL ECONOMY

          adapt to new EU

                                                                  A   survey by the Department of Enterprise
                                                                     Development at the Ministry of Planning and
          V   ietnam’s coffee industry is facing a challenge from having to   of the need for digital transformation, but implementation
                                                                     Investment reveals that most businesses are aware
              transform to comply with new laws and rules in the EU and world
              markets, including EU regulations on deforestation-free supply   has not been as expected. The main reasons are difficulties
          chains; a law on supply chain appraisal; and regulations to reduce   in financial resources, human resources, and strategy. To
          greenhouse gas emissions. The Vietnam Coffee and Cocoa Association   improve competitiveness in the digital economy, it is
          has proposed directions and solutions to develop the coffee industry   necessary to promote both the role of the State and the
          towards high-quality products and applying science and technology in   proactive, innovative, and creative spirit in the business
          farming and processing. The Institute of Policy and Strategy for   community, promptly grasp new technologies, proactively
          Agriculture and Rural Development has also proposed a set of criteria   invest in technology improvements and research, and
          and a management system for high-quality Vietnamese coffee.  learn and apply new business models and methods.
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