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          DHL OPENS HANOI WAREHOUSE        tions as credit partners. According to VIB,   ern economic growth engines. At present,
                                           the additional capital from the syndicated   sectors such as technology, infrastructure,
                                           loan will be used to finance its core retail   and consumer goods are benefitting from
                                           lending activities. The bank’s lending port-  a range of drivers, including middle-class
                                           folio has low concentrated risk, with the   growth, urbanization, digitalization, and
                                           ratio of outstanding loans with collateral   sustainable development. VINACAPITAL-
                                           at up to 92 per cent. Overall, the structure   VMEEF is professionally managed by
                                           of VIB’s retail loan portfolio is both diver-  investment experts with support from a
                                           sified and balanced, including several key   highly-qualified in-house research team.
                                           products ranging from housing and home   The fund is considered medium to high
                                           repair loans, car loans, and business loans   risk and is suitable for investors who expect
        DHL Express has officially opened its new   to credit cards. This was the second time   high returns and can tolerate short-term
        Hanoi Gateway warehouse with total invest-  VIB signed an international long-term   volatility. VINACAPITAL-VMEEF aims
        ment of €11.7 million ($13.6 million). It is   loan in 2023.          to deliver outstanding returns for long-
        double the size of the previous facility,                             term investors throughout a full market
        with 4,500 sq m in total utilization space   JETRO SURVEY FINDS JAPANESE   cycle. From its inception on May 4, 2023
        and a four-fold increase in peak handling   INTEREST IN EXPANDING     to November 30, 2023, VINACAPITAL-
        capacity. The warehouse is supported by a                             VMEEF booked a return of 9.4 per cent.
        national service network, including another
        gateway in Ho Chi Minh City, ten service                                   NESTLÉ WINS SUSTAINABLE
        centers, 17 points, and 25 weekly flights.                                 MANUFACTURING AWARD
        The Hanoi Gateway is also part of DHL’s
        50 gateways in the Asia-Pacific region,
        supported by four main hubs - the Central
        Asia Hub, the North Asia Hub, the South
        Asia Hub, and the Bangkok Hub. Mr.
        Bernardo Bautista, General Director and
        Country Manager of DHL Express Viet-  A recent Japan External Trade Organization
        nam, believes in Vietnam’s growth potential   (JETRO) survey found that 56.7 per cent of
        as a global manufacturing hub and in   Japanese companies in Vietnam plan to
        investment in bolstering interconnectivity   expand their operations in the country over
        between Vietnam and other countries to   the next one to two years. Some 47 per cent   Nestlé Vietnam has been recognized as
        support customer development and create   of manufacturing and 65.5 per cent of non-  the #1 Most Sustainable Manufacturing
        opportunities for small and medium-sized   manufacturing companies plan to expand.   Company in 2023 by the Vietnam Business
        enterprises (SMEs). DHL, the world’s lead-  One of the reasons for their expansion is   Council for Sustainable Development
        ing international express service provider,   their targeting of consumption in the domes-  (VCCI-VBCSD), after meeting all 130 ESG
        is committed to achieving net-zero emis-  tic market and increasing their exports. The   (environmental, social, governance) indi-
        sions by 2050, and its new warehouse will   percentage of companies that expect to post   cators in Vietnam’s Corporate Sustainability
        employ advanced carbon-neutral tech-  operating profits in 2023 stood at 54.3 per   Index (CSI) 2023. The company was also
        nologies with high-quality equipment and   cent, which is 6.6 per cent lower than the   honored as a pioneering business in imple-
        automated management system software   ASEAN average. Thirty-two per cent of   menting a circular economy model and
        to promote energy efficiency.      companies said their operating profit in   decarbonization in Vietnam in 2023. All
                                           2023 will increase against 2022, which is   Nestlé Vietnam factories in Vietnam have
         VIB SIGNS $280MLN SYNDICATED LOAN   15.6 per cent lower than in the 2022 survey.   achieved zero-waste-to-landfill targets since
                                           Rising demand in the export market was   2015. Nestlé commits to achieving plastic
                                           the leading reason for the higher operating   and water neutrality by 2025. At present,
                                           profit forecast in the manufacturing sector.   around 90 per cent of its packaging has
                                                                              been designed for recycling. The company’s
                                                 VINACAPITAL LAUNCHES         sustainable packaging initiatives have
                                                   NEW EQUITY FUND            resulted in a reduction of nearly 2,400
                                                                              tons of virgin plastic in the last two years.
                                                                              In mid-2023, Nestlé Vietnam, the Ministry
                                                                              of Agriculture and Rural Development
                                                                              (MARD), and key partners launched the
        The Vietnam International Commercial                                  “Agroforestry and Reforestation in the
        Joint Stock Bank (VIB) has closed a                                   Central Highlands of Vietnam” project,
        medium to long-term syndicated loan of                                which aims to plant at least 2.3 million
        $280 million. The agreement was signed                                trees to help remove about 480,000 tons
        between VIB as the borrower and 13                                    of carbon dioxide emissions in the five-
        leading financial institutions around the                             year 2023-2027 period. The #1 Most Sus-
        world, including United Overseas Bank   VinaCapital has launched the VinaCapital   tainable Manufacturing Company in 2023
        Limited (UOB) as the Coordinator and   Modern Economy Equity Fund (VINACAP-  award reconfirms the company’s long-term
        Mandated Lead Arranger and Book-runner   ITAL-VMEEF), an open-ended equity fund   commitments in its sustainability efforts
        (MLAB), Mashreqbank PSC as Facility   that invests in the stocks of companies   across all aspects, including ESG, to con-
        Agent and MLAB, Maybank as MLAB,   with solid long-term revenue and profit   tribute to Vietnam’s overall environmental
        and ten other esteemed financial institu-  growth prospects driven by Vietnam’s mod-  and socio-economic development.

        www.en.vneconomy                                                     JANUARY 2024  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  45
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