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                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET TUAN

         Intelligent living
         Vietnam is continuing to move forward with the
         development of a number of smart cities around the country.

         | By HOANG TU

               ietnam’s BRG Group and Japan’s   2045, in which the overall goals are to   and Keppel Urban Solutions, with housing
               Sumitomo Corporation officially   accelerate the pace and quality of urban-  units estimated at 4,300, to name just a
         V announced the implementation of   ization, promote sustainable urban network   few, according to a study from Avison
         the North Hanoi Smart City project in   development, and form several smart urban   Young Vietnam.
         Hanoi’s Dong Anh district in November.   areas or chains connecting with the region   In Vietnam, the concept of smart cities
         Located on both sides of the Nhat Tan-  and the world.                began to gain popularity in the 2010s. Most
         Noi Bai road link, which is a gateway for   Ms. Nguyen Thi Nga, Chairwoman of   recently, with the issuance of Resolution
         Vietnam to the world, the project has total   the BRG Group, said this will be a long   No. 06, the Vietnamese Government has
         estimated investment of nearly $4.2 billion   journey that may take years to complete.   set a direction for developing smart city
         and spans nearly 272 ha in Hai Boi, Vinh   “But what’s important is that we have a   projects to 2045. In reality, however, few
         Ngoc, and Kim No communes in Dong   vision for a modern and classy smart city   have appeared to date. Some pilot projects
         Anh. To create a sustainable city model,   that pursues green growth and is where   with certain elements of a smart city, such
         the project will combine green living and   the people can thrive together,” she added.   as smart traffic monitoring systems and
         modern technology applications from   “What we need is enthusiasm, effort, and   smart administrative systems, have been
         Industry 4.0 to create a sustainable com-  determination to complete every milestone   carried out over the last few years in Hanoi,
         munity for residents. The project is divided   on that journey together.”   Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, and elsewhere.
         into five phases, with full completion                                   Data from the Ministry of Construction
         expected in the fourth quarter of 2032.   DEVELOPMENT STATUS          (MoC) shows that after five years of imple-
           The official implementation of the North   In addition to the North Hanoi Smart   menting Decision No. 950/QD-TTg from
         Hanoi Smart City project also opened a   City, other smart city projects in the devel-  the Prime Minister on sustainable smart
         new phase in the development of smart   opment phase include the Hoa Lac High-  urban development in Vietnam for the 2018-
         cities in Vietnam following Politburo Res-  tech Park in Hanoi, with an estimated   2025 period and vision to 2030, 48 of the
         olution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September   population of 229,000, the Vinhomes Smart   country’s 63 cities and provinces have imple-
         27, 2019, on certain policies to proactively   City in Hanoi, with housing to include 98   mented smart urban development projects.
         participate in Industry 4.0, and Resolution   villas and 56 apartment buildings, the   More than 40 localities have deployed
         No. 06-NQ/TW dated January 24, 2022,   Lotte Eco Smart City in Ho Chi Minh City   IOCs (Intelligent Operation Centers) at
         on the planning, construction, management,   from the Lotte Group, with an estimated   the provincial level and nearly 100 at the
         and sustainable development of urban   1,200 housing units, and Saigon Sport City   district level, according to the Vietnam
         areas in Vietnam to 2030 with a vision to   in Ho Chi Minh City from Keppel Land   Software Association (VINASA). Existing

         42  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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