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        urban areas are developing IOC systems   and technology solutions that support   According to Avison Young Vietnam, mul-
        and smart urban utilities and services,   warning and data-based decision making.   tiple efforts and pilot projects have been
        focusing mainly on transportation, health   At the Vietnam - Asia Smart City Sum-  led by authorities in cities and provinces
        intelligence, education, and the develop-  mit 2023, held by the Hanoi Department   around Vietnam and then opened for par-
        ment of warning applications.      of Information and Communications and   ticipation from the private sector, including
          “Vietnam and Southeast Asia are among   VINASA on November 29, Mr. Nguyen   foreign institutions, in knowledge sharing
        the most active in steering the way for   Nhat Quang, Director of the VINASA Insti-  and technological and financial aid. Expe-
        developing smart cities,” said Mr. David   tute of Science and Technology, said that   rience and knowledge gained from these
        Jackson, Principal and CEO of Avison   in smart cities, data, information, and   initiatives can be useful for education and
        Young Vietnam. “It is hoped that developing   knowledge can and should be recorded as   training efforts to multiply successful
        smart cities will help Vietnam tackle rising   digital data. “Thus, data capacity is the   models in smart cities.
        socio-economic issues due to rapid urban-  ability to collect, store, and use information   “If you look from the private sector’s
        ization and demographic growth, such as   and knowledge, determining the level of   perspective, Vietnam has a strong,
        road traffic, the environment, waste man-  intelligence in the city,” he added. “The   dynamic, and growing tech community
        agement, and energy efficiency, etc.”   strategy of building unified data infra-  that can drive digitization in all aspects
                                           structure will create conditions for building   over the coming decades,” said Mr. Jack-
        TRENDS IN THE FUTURE               smart cities with long-term sustainable   son. “This means that by viewing the
          To develop smart, sustainable cities,   development despite any changes in man-  development of smart cities in Vietnam
        urban authorities in the region and the   agement mechanisms, solutions providers,   as an enterprise-driven and privately
        world, including Vietnamese cities, are   or development targets.”    financed endeavor, with public policies
        aiming to build and standardize unified   Building smart cities associated with   and incentives in place, there will be
        and seamless digital data infrastructure.   developing green and smart industrial   abundant opportunities.”
          Hanoi has included the term “Smart” in   parks is also a trend. Vietnam is a very   Though many cities and provinces have
        its Capital Planning for the 2021-2030 period   attractive destination for giants in the fields   committed to developing smart cities in
        and vision to 2050. Data is being viewed as   of high-tech equipment manufacturing,   accordance with the direction set by the
        a new resource. Last July, the capital issued   such as electronics, phones, computers,   government, there are some persistent
        an Open Data Directory. Specialized data   and semiconductor chips. With the gov-  challenges. A lack of cohesion in smart
        will be deployed and shared among State   ernment’s strong commitment to net-zero   urban planning and a lack of cooperation
        agencies, citizens, and organizations in the   emissions by 2050, the requirements of   among key stakeholders could result in
        near future. It is also focusing on deploying   integration and partners, in addition to   fragmentation. Financial and human
        digital infrastructure and data centers, to   preparing and changing infrastructure to   resources are another challenge. There
        be put into operation and use shortly.   meet demand and attract investors inter-  are also personal privacy and data security
          Ho Chi Minh City, which leads the   nationally and locally, industrial real estate   matters in regard to smart cities that need
        country in developing digital infrastructure   investors are also entering a new race to   to be addressed not only at the level of
        and digital institutions, has deployed and   develop green, smart industrial parks.   legal provision but also law enforcement.
        integrated data on drainage systems, urban   With over 30 operating industrial clus-  Accordingly, a clear vision and long-term
        lighting, green parks, wastewater treatment,   ters and parks, southern Binh Duong   planning for developing smart cities are
        traffic infrastructure, electricity, water sup-  province is aiming to gradually convert   first and foremost, Mr. Jackson noted. It
        ply, cadastral maps, topography, and urban   traditional industrial parks into smart and   is necessary to have a clear set of criteria
        planning in a shared data warehouse. The   ecological parks, to create a competitive   and cooperation at every level, from central
        city’s data portal and open data portal   advantage. In terms of developers, Becamex   government to local authorities and from
        will be deployed and shared in the near   has completed a smart industrial park   multiple sectors, like public and private,
        future among people and businesses to   solution with a system of factories, executive   including domestic and international part-
        exploit and use.                   buildings, operations centers, security, and   ners. Smart cities are designed, built, and
          Da Nang, meanwhile, considers digital   smart parking lots. VSIP has signed coop-  managed by smart people, so education
        data as a key factor in building a smart   eration agreements with nine cities and   and training, communications, techno-
        city. The central city’s new generation IOC   provinces to develop smart industrial parks,   logical development, operations, and main-
        acts as a focal point to collect information   and the Japan Small and Medium Enter-  tenance all need to be integrated. %
        and data from district IOCs, specialized   prise Develop-
        IOCs, and the applications and systems of   ment  Joint
        agencies, units, and communities, and will   Stock Company
        analyze and provide aggregated data for   has developed
        leaders to have information for direction   a smart factory
        and administration and share information   system in Nhon
        with relevant agencies to serve State man-  Trach district.
        agement. The city has provided nearly 1,000
        data sets to date on its Open Data Portal,   LOOKING
        an increase of 400 compared to the end of   AHEAD
        2022, integrating and sharing nearly 100   At  the
        data sets from its Open Data Portal to the   national level,
        national Data Portal.              the Vietnamese
          IOC systems have been deployed by   Government
        major technology enterprises such as Viettel,   has paved the
        VNPT, and FPT for urban areas around   way for the
        Vietnam that are gradually developing in   development of
        a new stage, with strong infrastructure   smart cities.
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