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                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET TUAN
         Continued influx

         Hanoi’s retail market constantly confirms its appeal with the
         arrival of many international brands, though space issues remain.

         | By MINH HOA

              he Vietnamese market, both gen-  ment is experiencing increased vibrancy   one of the factors driving the growing
              erally and specifically Hanoi, is   with the expansion and opening of new   interest of international brands in this
         T becoming a popular destination   stores. Premium brands are strategically   market.” She also highlighted another cru-
         among international brands, ranging from   utilizing single-store locations in prime areas.   cial factor contributing to the market’s
         fast fashion to luxury and high-end retail.   In Hanoi, particularly in the Hoan Kiem   appeal: compared to neighboring countries
         According to real estate consultants Savills,   area, notably along streets like Ngo Quyen,   such as Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia,
         the retail market in 2024 and 2025 is   Ly Thai To, and Trang Tien, there has been   the presence of international brands in
         expected to become even more dynamic,   a continuous influx and expansion of high-  Vietnam is still limited. “This presents a
         with Vietnam being recognized as a focal   end brands since 2021. Notable names   significant opportunity for brands looking
         point in Southeast Asia for international   include Louis Vuitton, Dior, Berluti, Tiffany   to expand into the market, especially when
         retail entities looking to expand their oper-  & Co., Maje, Longchamp, and, most recently,   taking their first steps here,” she explained.
         ations, driving significant market demand.   Piaget and Watches of Switzerland.   According to the General Statistics Office
                                              According to the Commercial Leasing   of Vietnam (GSO), in the first eleven months
         MAJOR BRANDS APPEARING             Office at Savills Hanoi, both Vietnam in   of 2023, the total retail sales of goods and
           Hanoi is attracting attention as a hotspot   general and Hanoi specifically are becoming   consumer services nationwide at current
         for retail development due to its rapid   ideal destinations for international brands.   prices reached VND5.66 quadrillion
         urbanization, high population density,   “Vietnam has emerged in the post-Covid-  ($231.86 billion), a 9.6 per cent increase
         rising number of households with average   19 period as a market of potential with   compared to the same period of 2022.
         incomes, and large workforce. These strong   strong allure,” said Ms. Hoang Nguyet   Notably, service revenue from accommo-
         fundamentals have generated enormous   Minh, Senior Director of Commercial Leas-  dation and dining rose 15.3 per cent, while
         retail demand in the capital’s market.   ing at Savills Hanoi. “The increase in   revenue from tourism grew 50.5 per cent.
           Simultaneously, the high-end retail seg-  domestic consumer spending is considered   The retail sales of goods in the first eleven

         40  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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