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          Upwards trajectory

          Industrial production is forecast to increase during 2024
          as a whole after rising handily in the first quarter.
          By MANH DUC

              rowth in industrial production in   20 per cent compared to February and   facturing and processing industries
              the first quarter of 2024 came in   4.1 per cent compared to March 2023.    increased 1.4 per cent and 1.1 per cent;
         G at 6.18 per cent year-on-year, con-  The IIP in the first quarter rose by   in electricity, gas, steam, and air condi-
         tributing 2.02 percentage points to overall   5.7 per cent year-on-year. The manufac-  tioning supply remained unchanged com-
         GDP growth, which was estimated at 5.66   turing and processing sector’s index   pared to the previous month and increased
         per cent year-on-year, or higher than the   increased 5.9 per cent year-on-year, con-  0.8 per cent year-on-year; and in water
         figure in the opening quarter during the   tributing 5.2 percentage points, while   supply, waste and wastewater manage-
         2020-2023 period, according to the Min-  electricity production and distribution   ment and remediation activities increased
         istry of Industry and Trade (MoIT).    rose 12.1 per cent, contributing 1.1 per-  0.1 per cent and 1.2 per cent.
                                            centage points, and water supply and
         Growth engine                      waste and wastewater management and   Improvements in production and trade
           The manufacturing and processing   treatment rose 4 per cent, contributing   The manufacturing and processing
         sector remains a growth engine of Viet-  0.1 percentage points. The mining indus-  sector retained its leading position in
         nam’s economy, expanding by 6.98 per   try lost 4.1 per cent, shaving 0.7 percentage
         cent in the first quarter and contributing   points off overall GDP.
         1.73 percentage points to overall GDP   The MoIT also reported that, in the first
         growth. Electricity production and dis-  quarter, key sectors to record IIP growth
         tribution increased 11.97 per cent, con-  included chemicals and chemical products,
         tributing 0.45 percentage points, while   by 28.4 per cent; rubber and plastic products
         water supply and waste and wastewater   25.8 per cent; electrical equipment 24.8
         management and treatment rose 4.99 per   per cent; coke and refined petroleum 21.7
         cent, contributing 0.03 percentage points.   per cent; furniture 18.1 per cent; textiles
         The mining sector, meanwhile, declined   14.6 per cent; and food production and
         5.84 per cent, shaving 0.2 percentage   processing 4.5 per cent.
         points off GDP growth.               In particular, 54 of Vietnam’s 63 localities
           Industrial production in March saw a   registered IIP growth, including Tra Vinh,
         recovery in the Index of Industrial Pro-  by 102 per cent; Khanh Hoa 37 per cent;
         duction (IIP), with estimated growth of   Bac Giang 23.9 per cent; Thanh Hoa 20
                                            per cent; Ha Nam 17.2 per cent; and Quang
                                            Ninh 14 per cent.
                                              Another positive sign in the recovery
          Growth in value added, manufacturing   of production and consumption was an
          sector, 2020-2024                 increase in the consumption index of the
           Unit %                           manufacturing and processing sector,
                         7.07               with growth of 8.2 per cent year-on-year
                   6.5                      in the first quarter. The average inventory
                                            ratio in the quarter was 68.7 per cent
                                            compared to 81.1 per cent last year.
                                              Regarding employment at industrial
                                            enterprises, as of March 1, 2024, the num-
                                            ber of employees had increased 1.3 per
                                            cent month-on-month and 1.1 per cent
                                            year-on-year. Of this, the number of work-
                                            ers at State-owned enterprises rose 0.1
                              0.82          per cent month-on-month and fell 0.5
                                            per cent year-on-year; at non-State enter-
                                            prises rose 1.1 per cent and fell 0.6 per
                                            cent; and at foreign-invested enterprises
                                            rose 1.5 per cent and 1.7 per cent.
                                              By industry, the number of employees
            2020   2021  2022  2023 2024    working in mining increased 0.2 per cent
                                            over the previous month and 0.7 per cent
                        Source: General Statistics Office
                                            over the same period last year; in manu-

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