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                                                                               sumer goods and services rising of over 8
                                                                               per cent in total in the first quarter. Tourism
          Off to a sound start                                                 also developed strongly, with over 4.6
                                                                               million tourists catered to in the first
                                                                               quarter, a year-on-year surge of 72 per
                                                                               cent and contributing to boosting growth
          Director General of the General Statistics Office of Vietnam,
                                                                               in accommodation, catering, transport,
          Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong, tells VET’s Anh Nhi about the country’s        entertainment, and travel.
          economic performance in the first quarter and how it sets up             Fifthly, the government maintained
          growth for the year overall.                                         the 2 per cent cut to VAT from July 1,
                                                                               2023, together with policies such as reduc-
                                                                               ing interest rates and personal income
                                                                               taxes, and extending debt repayment dead-
                                                                               lines and increasing social welfare support,
                                                                               all of which helped increase consumption.
                                                                                  Among these factors, I have a more
                                                                               positive outlook of the impact on the
                                                                               demand side, with increased exports and
                                                                               imports of goods and services; tourism
                                                                               being a bright spot; foreign and State
                                                                               investment boosting private investment;
                                                                               and household demand rising again from
                                                                               consumption promotion policies such as
                                                                               the VAT reduction and lower interest rates.
                                                                                  Additionally, the manufacturing and
             INTERVIEW                                                         processing sector shows signs of continued
                                                                               recovery, signaling better economic times
                                                                               for Vietnam.

                                                                               % Credit had risen 0.26 per cent since
                                                                               the end of 2023 as of March 25. What
                                                                               are your thoughts on the health of Viet-
                                                                               nam’s businesses? What do the number
                                                                               of newly-established enterprises and
         % GDP growth in the first quarter of   economy given the economic, political,   the number of those being dissolved
         2024 stood at 5.66 per cent. What is   and social changes being seen around   actually reflect?
         your assessment of this result? Does it   the world, in the region, and in Vietnam.   It is necessary to consider different mat-
         match the scenario set by Government                                  ters to fully understand business registra-
         Resolution No. 01 /NQ-CP, issued on   % What drivers contributed to growth   tions and dissolutions in the first quarter.
         January 5, 2024?                   in the first quarter? What factors    The world has undergone rapid, com-
           The GDP growth of 5.66 per cent in the   impressed you the most?    plex, and unexpected changes, creating a
         first quarter was the highest in the opening   In the context of prolonged risks and   host of difficulties and challenges in eco-
         quarter since 2020. Though not as high as   uncertainties, with global economic growth   nomic growth and also the production
         in 2018 and 2019, the result still reflected   being forecast to slow to around 2.4 per   and trade of businesses.
         the major effort and determination of the   cent after poor performance in 2023, Viet-  Vietnam’s economy is in a transition
         government, localities, businesses, and peo-  nam’s economic growth in the first quarter   period and still of modest scale, marked
         ple on Vietnam’s path towards economic   is certainly positive at an estimated 5.66   by limited competitiveness and resilience
         recovery and development.          per cent, and marks the best result in the   but with a high degree of openness, with
           The economic growth scenarios set   opening quarter of a year since 2020.   95 per cent of enterprises being of small
         out in Resolution No. 01 target growth   The result can be attributed to five   and micro size, so global changes have
         of 6-6.5 per cent for 2024 and 5.2-5.6 per   main factors.            significant and direct impacts on their
         cent in the first quarter. So growth in the   Firstly, the macro-economy continues   production and trade. The economy overall
         first quarter was higher than the target.   to find stability, inflation was kept under   still faces its share of problems.
         But there were differences in specific sec-  control, and major balances in the economy   The business sector contributed 66
         tors compared to the scenarios.    were ensured, facilitating investment, pro-  per cent to Vietnam’s GDP growth of
           The industry and construction sector   duction, trade, and consumption and gen-  5.66 per cent in the first quarter. The
         posted the highest growth, of 6.28 per   erating space to boost growth further.   Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’
         cent year-on-year, which was much higher   Secondly, agricultural restructuring and   Index™ (PMI®) in the first two months
         than the targeted 5.5 per cent. The agri-  development have created advantages and   was above the 50.0 no-change mark before
         culture, forestry, and fisheries sector and   acted as a firm pillar for the economy.   slipping under in March. So the economy
         the services sector, meanwhile, posted   Thirdly, public investment disburse-  as well as production and trade continue
         growth of 2.98 per cent and 6.12 per cent,   ment was boosted and FDI attraction   to exhibit positive signs.
         respectively, which were lower than the   increased, supporting economic growth   There were 59,848 new enterprises reg-
         targets of 3 per cent and 6.3-6.5 per cent.    in the mid and long-term.   istered or resuming operations in the first
           However, overall growth of 5.66 per   Fourthly, consumption demand   quarter, which was fewer than the 73,978
         cent is a positive start to 2024 for Vietnam’s   remained high, with the retail sale of con-  registering for a temporary suspension of

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