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Congratulations on Yemei Independence Day
         COVER STORY

          Issues to address

          At a recent discussion co-hosted by VET / VnEconomy, Dr. Nguyen Dinh Cung,
          former Head of the Central Institute for Economic Management, looked at
          barriers he believes will hamper economic growth in 2024.
          By PHUONG HOA

              peaking at a roundtable discussion   18.3 per cent increase in January followed   businesses entering the market, only one
              with the theme “Economic Outlook   by a 6.8 per cent decline in February then   business exited. But last year and in the
         S for the First Quarter: Opening the   a 4.1 per cent increase in March. Moreover,   first quarter of this year, the ratio shifted
         Way for the Economy in 2024”, held   the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for   to two businesses exiting for every new
         recently in Hanoi by Vietnam Economic   the manufacturing sector fell below the   business entering the market.
         Times / VnEconomy and the University   50-point threshold in March. “The economic   As per data from the Agency for Business
         of Economics and Business (UEB) at the   recovery witnessed in the first quarter of   Registration (ABR) at the Ministry of Plan-
         Vietnam National University - Hanoi   2024 therefore lacks sustainability,” Dr.   ning and Investment, there were 36,244
         (VNU-Hanoi), Dr. Nguyen Dinh Cung,   Cung commented.                  newly-established enterprises in the first
         former head of the Central Institute for                              quarter of 2024, marking a 6.9 per cent
         Economic Management (CIEM) at the   Unusual fluctuations               increase compared to the same period last
         Ministry of Planning and Investment said   Another notable irregularity lies in the   year. However, in contrast, a substantial
         that: “For me, as someone who has been   correlation between industrial production   73,978 businesses exited the market during
         an economic researcher for the past 30   value and value added during the industrial   the quarter, or 22.8 per cent more than in
         years, witnessing the many reforms the   production process. Dr. Cung noted that   the first quarter of 2023.
         economy has gone through, I can say that   prior to and throughout the Covid-19 crisis,   Of these exiting businesses, 53,365 tem-
         Vietnam’s economy is facing its biggest   average growth in industrial production   porarily ceased operations, over 15,500 sus-
         challenges at this point in time.”   value typically surpassed that of value   pended activities awaiting dissolution pro-
           Specifically, GDP growth in the first   added in industrial production, or would   cedures, and 5,100 completed dissolution
         quarter of 2024 came in at 5.66 per cent   be at around a similar level.   formalities. On average, more than 24,000
         compared to the same period last year,   However, in 2023 and the opening quarter   businesses withdrew from the market each
         representing the highest growth in the first   of 2024, value added in industrial production   month. Consequently, new registrations and
         quarter during the 2020-2023 period. Total   significantly outpaced industrial production   reactivations minus the outflow of businesses
         value added across the industrial sector   value itself. “Despite rising labor and material   resulted in Vietnam’s total business count
         rose 6.18 per cent during this timeframe,   costs and stagnant sales, profits have   falling by 14,000 during the first quarter of
         contributing 2.02 percentage points to   increased, which is perplexing,” he remarked.   this year, or 4,700 businesses each month.
         overall value added growth in the economy.   There were noticeable shifts in the ratio   According to Dr. Cung, the growing num-
         However, the growth pattern of the Index   of businesses entering the market against   ber of businesses exiting from various sectors
         of Industrial Production (IIP) fluctuated   those exiting during the first quarter. From   indicates that significant challenges are being
         month-by-month in the quarter, with an   2018 to 2022, on average, for every four   faced by enterprises and the economy at

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