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          In business, ethics and success can coexist

          Mr. Jonas Eichhorst, CEO of Timo Digital Bank, discusses his business philosophy.

                                            teachings - itʼs just about whether you remember   contribute to creating value and profits for the
                                            and commit to implementing it every day or not.   company.  At  Timo, we firmly believe that our
                                                                              customers are at the heart of everything we do. Itʼs
                                            % What roles are you currently taking on?   not just about meeting regulatory requirements; itʼs
                                               I mainly hold the positions of Executive Chair of   about upholding our ethical standards and ensuring
                                            Bykea in Pakistan, the leading local ride-hailing   the utmost security and trust for our customers.
                                            provider, Board Director at Protenga in Malaysia, an   By way of example, we recently received the
                                            insect company, and CEO of Timo Digital Bank in   prestigious PCI DSS certification, a global
                                            Vietnam. However, Timo is my main job at this point.   certification focused on data security in financial
                                            These companies, at the surface level, may seem   products. Of course, we are proud to be the first
                                            very disconnected, but they ultimately all share a   banking provider in Vietnam to be certified under
           Mr. Jonas Eichhorst, CEO of Timo Digital Bank  desire for creating a positive impact while building   this latest PCI DSS 4.0 standard. But the
                                            sustainable, strong businesses. By being able to see   certification is only the recognition of us taking our
          %  As a busy leader with many roles, what   such different companies and different stages, I can   duties very seriously towards protecting customersʼ
          motivated you to think of the concept of a   share learnings across other companies. That is   payment card details. Regardless of whether
          balanced philosophy like  Tomi-ism, helping   how I reduce the pressure and enjoy the business   something is certified or not, the drive to take our
          people enjoy life better?         of contributing to multiple companies at once.   responsibilities seriously must come from within for
             For me, work is not just a duty. I have always                   them to be successfully met, not merely from trying
          been intrigued by how individuals like  Warren   %  As the leader of many businesses, what   to collect certificates or impress others.
          Buffett or athletes turn their professions into works   common core values do you strongly commit to
          of art. This concept of finding creative expression in   within the organization?
          business, startups, and teamwork fascinates me.   The core philosophy that I aspire to show
          While it might appear as workaholism, itʼs akin to   people is that, in business, ethics and success can
          an athleteʼs dedication to their craft, like Cristiano   actually coexist. The idea of creating ten in value for
          Ronaldo in football.              the customer so you can keep one and everybody
             However, I have come to realize the importance   is happy is something that I am much more
          of balance and broader life dimensions. Itʼs very   interested in, rather than just trying to extract
          easy to get sucked into an extremely narrow life, as   money. Though we may encounter many challenges
          I experienced after graduating from high school.   in implementing this, I have always tried to maintain
          Despite feeling happy about achieving decent   this principle in many different companies, fields,
          grades, I felt a sense of emptiness, questioning what   and over the years. A lot of people say they put the
          is next and what the purpose is. So, if you donʼt have   customer first and do whatʼs best for them, but very
          a balance of different dimensions, it is very hard to   few actually do this from within.
          find that purpose. My life works because of various
          supporting factors - my family, wealth, health, and   % So, for you, strong commitment is made not
          lifestyle experiences. In fact, what is expressed in   only through words but also through action?   PCI DSS certification affirms Timo Digital
          the Tomi-ism philosophy is already very obvious and   Commitment to action must come from ethics,   Bankʼs commitment to putting customers and
          is mentioned in many philosophical and religious   and it is oriented towards values, which, in turn,
                                                                                customer safety at the heart of all activities

                                                                              % How have you and Timoʼs Board of Directors
                                                                              oriented the digital bankʼs development strategy?
                                                                                 During the past two years, we have created
                                                                              many new products and services. We also put a lot
                                                                              of effort and dedication into determining who we
                                                                              are, what value we bring to customers, and
                                                                              positioning ourselves in the market. We are very
                                                                              fortunate that, according to international investors,
                                                                              Timoʼs customer satisfaction, engagement levels,
                                                                              and customer retention rates are quite high.
                                                                                 But our biggest limitation is still that not
                                                                              everyone knows about  Timo, its functions,
                                                                              orientation, vision, or what we represent. So, this
                                                                              year for us, it is a lot about increasing that reach,
                                                                              helping more people enjoy the benefits of our
                                                                              services and driving that value for them. %

          Mr. Jonas Eichhorst, CEO of Timo Digital Bank, receives its PCI DSS certification, a globally-recognized
          information security standard

           Website:                   Hotline: 1800 6788                         Mail:                                                        May 1, 2024    Vietnam Economic Times    29
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