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        Askonomy operates based on two popular                                  As a search engine, it synthesizes infor-
        mechanisms, he explained. The first is                               mation into answers and users can read
        the big language model, similar to Chat-                             these answers immediately instead of
        GPT, which synthesizes information into                              clicking on conventional search results
        answers. The second is Retrieval Aug-                                to read the content, which can take more
        mented Generation (RAG), which seeks                                 time, limit interaction, and cause delays
        and sends information relating to ques-                              in analyzing information. When users
        tions to the language model to synthesize   “With the boom in ChatGPT, VET /   directly interact with Askonomy, they can
        information into answers. The combina-  VnEconomy and I come up with   access real time answers, encouraging
        tion of these two mechanisms helps ensure                            them to search for additional information.
        the accuracy of the answers provided.    the idea in March 2023 of using a   “Economic experts and businesspeople
           Askonomy is considered the first eco-  language model like ChatGPT to   can quickly and effectively search for
        nomic chatbot not only in Vietnam but   help Askonomy ‘gain’ knowledge   information on the Vietnamese market,”
        also in the world. Its demonstration model                           he continued. “I think this is a great
        was launched in March 2023.         from VET / VnEconomy data,       advantage for users, as they can obtain
           One distinctive feature of Askonomy   helping readers receive answers   real time, up-to-date information from
        compared to other language models in   relating to Vietnam’s economy.”    Askonomy’s data updates.”
        Vietnamese is that it is optimized for both                             The language model in Askonomy will
        questions and answers.              Mr. Trung Huynh                  be adjusted weekly based on information
           “We understand that a language model   Founder of Actable AI, the development    to help improve its memory capacity.
        like ChatGPT or Gemini should be specif-  partner in the Askonomy project.  According to Mr. Huynh, Askonomy’s
        ically optimized for a specific important                            accuracy is estimated at 85-90 per cent and
        field to compete with other models in                                is expected to reach over 95 per cent in the
        that field,” Mr. Huynh said, adding that                             future. “We will continue to improve Askon-
        apart from the question and answer func-                             omy’s functions to develop it into the best
        tion, Askonomy also performs well in                                 question and answer model in Vietnam
        translation and summarization.                                       and the world,” he said. “We will also try to
                                                                             update data faster and more precisely.”


        “Askonomy’s data is sourced from VET /   ever, with Askonomy, they can engage in
        VnEconomy’s exclusive data repository,   natural conversations, exchange ideas, and
        as well as from legitimate data sources   access tailored information seamlessly. This
        authorized for use by government bodies.   transformative approach facilitates easier
        With access to such reliable data sources,   and more efficient information retrieval.
        we have faith in the robustness and   “From my viewpoint, we are pioneer-
        dependability of Askonomy’s output.”    ing a new paradigm in journalism, rep-  “Throughout the research and
          “In addition to acquiring accurate data   resenting a significant breakthrough in   development phases of Askonomy,
        from reputable sources, we place great   the media industry,” he said. “This inno-
        importance on regular data updates,” he   vation serves as compelling and engaging   we consistently placed a strong
        continued. “This ensures that Askonomy’s   content. The transition from traditional   emphasis on security, particularly by
        findings consistently align with the strin-  print newspapers to online news and   prioritizing the utilization of
        gent standards of the discerning market   now to Askonomy’s interactive format   standardized and verified data
        segment we serve, comprising individuals   holds particular appeal for younger gen-
        well-versed in economics and those seeking   erations keen on staying abreast of market   sources from the project’s inception,”
        comprehensive economic insights, such   trends. Effectively incorporating this prod-
                                                                              Mr. Tran Hoai Van
        as experts and entrepreneurs. These users   uct into our communications strategy   COO of Actable AI.
        possess advanced skills and knowledge   promises to yield an exceptionally attrac-
        in analyzing economic data and figures,   tive and effective market approach.”
        necessitating a high level of accuracy and   “Collaborating with esteemed media
        completeness in data sources and the   outlets like VET / VnEconomy presents   uphold quality, which are all aspirations
        resultant information provided. Conse-  a unique opportunity. Leveraging VET /   shared by other media organizations.”
        quently, we strive to continuously enhance   VnEconomy’s sizable base of loyal readers   Askonomy is a new solution that tran-
        the accuracy and quality of Askonomy’s   and introducing them to Askonomy will   scends reading traditional articles by
        data to cater to users’ evolving needs,   undoubtedly expand our reach. I am con-  offering a streamlined chatting experience.
        underscoring one of its core strengths.”   fident that VET / VnEconomy, along with   And unlike conventional search engines,
           He also highlighted its groundbreaking   our development team, will devise precise   which necessitate sifting through numer-
        strides forward in the media market. His-  and expedient customer outreach strategies   ous articles, Askonomy delivers prompt
        torically, readers primarily consumed news   in this new phase. Our shared objective   and precise synthesized information via
        for information gathering purposes. How-  is to foster loyalty, drive expansion, and   chat interactions. %                                                        May 27, 2024   Vietnam Economic Times    45
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