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                             A degree of disquiet

                                 Much discussion has ensued in response to a new draft
                                           decree on land use fees and rents.
                                                     By TRAM ANH

                draft decree from the Ministry of   various economic sectors. It has also   ters and assigned responsibility for speci-
              Finance (MoF) on land use fees   encouraged the efficient and economical   fying several such matters, including land
         A and rents features a number pro-  use of land, gradually cut speculation,   use fees and rents, to the government.
         visions that have triggered concern among   and minimized wasteful land use, con-  In regard to financial obligations
         businesses about the potential for greater   tributing to the promotion and develop-  regarding land rents, the draft decree
         risks and possible disadvantages.   ment of the country’s real estate market.   states that these obligations begin when
            The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce    Despite such achievements, however,   the decision to lease land is made. The
         and Industry (VCCI) recently provided   regulations on land use fees and land   Law also mandates that businesses must
         feedback on the draft after consulting   rents under the Land Law exhibit several   pay the lease prior to using the land.
         with businesses and analysts. The policy   limitations that must be addressed.   However, VCCI noted that, in many
         has been progressively institutionalized   The Land Law 2024, enacted at the   instances, businesses pay land use fees
         following market principles, it wrote, pro-  beginning of this year, introduced signifi-  but State agencies fail to complete the site
         moting transparency and equality across   cant changes relating to land finance mat-  clearance process, resulting in significant

         38    Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                      
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