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         Cash injection

         Upcoming changes to the Land Law are set to increase remittances
         as overseas Vietnamese gain the right to purchase property.
         By THANH XUAN

              he Land Law 2024 is set to come   According to the State Commission   of annual remittances are directed towards
              into effect on July 1, introducing   for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, as of   investments in the real estate market.
         T several significant amendments, with   2023 there were approximately 6 million   According to Mr. Nguyen Van Dinh,
         a key focus on extending property owner-  Vietnamese individuals residing and work-  Chairman of VARS, reforms in the Land
         ship rights to overseas Vietnamese. Under   ing in over 130 countries and territories   Law reflect an appropriate perspective in
         Clauses No. 3 and 6 in Article No. 4, con-  around the world, 80 per cent of whom   line with international trends and offer sig-
         cerning “Land Users”, the Law states that   are in developed countries. This figure   nificant benefits. The influx of funds will
         individuals eligible for land allocation,   has continually increased since 2015, when   serve as crucial support for the real estate
         land leasing, and acknowledgment of land   there were only 4.5 million such individuals   market for the foreseeable future, especially
         use rights include those residing domesti-  in 109 countries and territories. Data from   considering the rising demand for capital
         cally, Vietnamese citizens living overseas,   the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social   among many real estate companies.
         and individuals of Vietnamese origin settled   Affairs also indicates that there are 650,000   Ms. Nguyen Viet Trieu, representing
         abroad. They must demonstrate their   Vietnamese workers actively engaged in   the Vietnamese Association in Europe, told
         intentions towards stable land use, meet   employment in 40 countries and territories   a recent event that, in the past, overseas
         requirements for obtaining land use cer-  globally, representing a promising resource   Vietnamese often had to rely on family
         tificates, and claim ownership rights to   for the country’s real estate market.   members to hold property in Vietnam in
         property associated with land. This category   Figures compiled by the Vietnam Asso-  the latter’s name, due to concerns about
         encompasses individuals residing domes-  ciation of Realtors (VARS) reveal that   complicated procedures. However, the new
         tically, Vietnamese citizens living abroad,   remittances to Vietnam have consistently   regulations for the Land Law will make it
         and Vietnamese expatriates.        put the country among the top 10 recipients   easier for overseas Vietnamese to own prop-
                                            over the past decade. Remittances have   erty in Vietnam. This represents a significant
                                            also consistently been among the top 3   legal advancement, with far-reaching impli-
                                            highest in the Asia-Pacific region. From   cations for various aspects of the lives and
            The newly-established legal framework   1993 to the end of 2022, they totaled $190   businesses of overseas Vietnamese.
         has paved the way for investment by over-  billion, nearly matching the volume of   “There is a growing number of Viet-
         seas Vietnamese. Broadening participation   disbursed FDI during the same timeframe.   namese nationals living abroad nearing
         in real estate transactions also helps bring   Remittances to Vietnam last year totaled   retirement age and considering returning
         in additional remittances, which together   around $16 billion, for a notable 32 per   to Vietnam to settle,” she said. “Additionally,
         with FDI are a vital source of foreign   cent increase against 2022. It has been   some investors of Vietnamese origin are
         capital for Vietnam.               estimated that approximately 25 per cent   eager to engage in the domestic real estate

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