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         Down to earth

         Rising domestic airfares have had a dampening effect
         on travel within Vietnam this year, with tourist numbers
         falling and many looking at overland travel.
         By TUONG BACH

              ummer is the peak season for almost   namese airlines have been higher since   averaging 660 a day, down 8.8 per cent
              all tourism companies, not just in   the beginning of this year compared to   compared to 2023 and 10 per cent com-
         S Vietnam but globally, with revenue   the same period of 2023. For example,   pared to pre-pandemic 2019.
         in these warmer months generally account-  Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh City flights with   Ms. Tran Thi Bao Thu from Vietluxtour
         ing for 40-70 per cent of the annual total.   Vietnam Airlines cost approximately   said the current surge in airfares is a
         Compared to previous years, this year is   VND2.64 million ($103), up 14 per cent,   source of concern for all travel companies
         expected to see significant changes in   with Vietjet Air around VND1.74 million   and present a potential threat to earnings
         tourism offerings in Vietnam, to cater to   ($68), up 25 per cent, with Bamboo Airways   during this year’s summer season. Travel
         changing customer preferences and miti-  some VND2 million ($78), up 11 per cent,   by road actually rescued many in the
         gate the issue of rising airfares.   and with Vietravel Airlines roughly VND1.5   tourism sector during the recent holidays.
            During the recent April 30 - May 1   million ($59), up 15 per cent.   Of a similar mind, Mr. Bui Thanh Tu,
         holiday, the local tourism market exhibited   Even on “ordinary” days, outside of   Chief Marketing Officer at BestPrice
         certain trends in travel demand. As it is   peak periods like public holidays and the   Travel, predicted that attractive beach
         estimated that airfares represent 30-50   summer, domestic ticket prices have   destinations nearby major cities will draw
         per cent of a holiday’s cost, higher airfares   soared, with a flight within Vietnam’s   in the most visitors this year. With airfares
         directly impact holiday plans and, hence,   borders often costing more than heading   soaring during the peak summer season
         tourism companies, who must adjust their   abroad. For example, flights from Hanoi   and showing no signs of abating, travelers
         strategies to meet customer preferences   to Phu Quoc Island range from VND7 to   are likely to opt for nearby destinations,
         and budgets.                       9 million ($275 to $353), for which trav-  viewing car, bus, or train travel as viable
                                            elers could enjoy a five-day, four-night   alternatives.
         Change                             all-inclusive trip to Thailand.       According to a representative from
         in direction                          Indeed, rising airfares affected tourist   BenThanh Tourist, domestic flight and
            According to the Civil Aviation Author-  numbers during the recent holidays. Ho   holiday packages are expected to see
         ity of Vietnam (CAAV), average economy   Chi Minh City’s Tan Son Nhat Interna-  prices rise 20-30 per cent this summer.
         class tickets on a number of domestic   tional Airport catered to a total of 3,961   Faced with the challenge of waiting for
         routes, including taxes and fees, with Viet-  flights over the April 30 - May 1 break,   airfares to stabilize, travel agencies are

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