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                                             I practice being a “Servant Leader”. I believe I am
                Ms. Ngo Lan Anh              here to create an environment where the team can   Mr. Prasanna De Mel
                Chief Compliance Officer     flourish,  to  clear  the  runway  for  the  team  and   Chief Risk Officer
                                             ensure they have what they need to achieve our
                                             collective vision and mission. I hope to give the
          As  a  professional  Compliance  O"cer  and  a   team confidence that “nothing in impossible” and   Standard Chartered Bank offers its employees
          certified Executive Coach, I am attracted by the   to strive to achieve success in their own ways.   a unique work culture. This led me back to the
          alignment between my core values and the banks’                       company for a second stint over a decade ago.
          valued behavior that provide the guiding principles                   The bank gives me freedom and accountability
          for me to do the right thing in both my personal                      to make a real difference through the work I do.
          and  professional  decisions.  I  love  the  bank’s   Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Lan Anh   It  challenges  me  where  I  could  do  better  and
          culture,  which  provides  equal  opportunity  for   Chief Technology & Operations   always  encourages  me  to  look  for  new
          everyone’s learning and growth. I can see myself   Officer            opportunities for innovation.
          succeeding in and enjoying various areas of the                       To  me,  leadership  is  clearly  more  than  just
          organization, from Finance to Compliance and to   At Standard Chartered, I have opportunities to   delegating  tasks  and  pushing  people  beyond
          Coaching, which I am passionate about.    work in various positions and across different   their performance limits. It is about setting clear
          Leadership is about Action, not about a position or   locations. I love the bank’s culture of focusing on   goals,  leading  by  example,  and  being  able  to
          a  title.  If  your  Actions  inspire  others  to  dream   nurturing  talent  and  creating  psychological   work with the team through challenges. I believe
          more, learn more, grow more, and become more,   safety in the organization, and as a people leader   in  standing  by  the  team  when  they  fail  and
          you are a Leader.                                                     supporting them to rise again. It is when all of
                                             at the bank, I consistently strive for the bank’s
                                             values of Better Together, Never Settle, and Do   this comes together that a team feels motivated
                                             the Right Thing.                   and empowered to deliver results.
                Mr. Harmander Mahal          To me, leadership and learning are indispensable.
                Head of Consumer, Private and   Leaders aren’t born; they are made. The essence
                Business Banking             of  leadership  is  having  a  strategic  vision  and
                                             mobilizing  all  human,  financial,  and  other
                                             resources to realize the vision in an optimal and
          Vietnam has always been Standard Chartered’s   sustainable manner with an innovative and growth   Ms. Nguyen Thuy Hanh
          strategic  focus  market  globally.  Its  impressive   mindset,  taking  into  account  both  a  local  and   Head of Corporate, Commercial
          economic success and untapped potential make it   global perspective. As a leader, I always focus on   and Institutional Banking
          an exciting market. The country boasts a vibrant,   developing and growing the team to ensure they
          digitally-savvy, and youthful population, creating a   can  move  and  adapt  very  quickly  for  great   My two answers can be combined. I enjoy the
          unique  landscape  conducive  to  innovation  and   performance, through ambiguity and complexity,   collaborative and agile working environment at
          economic prosperity.               if  any,  in  the  business  context  to  achieve  the   Standard Chartered, which allows us to work
          Great leaders inspire and empower those around   organization’s  agenda  and  targets,  where   together  with  all  of  the  colleagues  in  our
          them  to  be  the  best  versions  of  themselves.   everyone will thrive in an aspired environment of   network,  despite  the  physical  borders  and
          Leadership  is  about  providing  the  tools  and   ambition, action, and accountability. Think Client,   cultural differences, to achieve shared goals. We
          platforms necessary for personal and collective   Think  Global,  Think  Future,  and  Be  Human,  Be   stretch ourselves and challenge each other for
                                             Servant, Be Brave is my motto for leadership.  innovative  solutions  that  bring  value  to  our
                                                                                clients, our people, our shareholders, and the
                                                                                community. In a rapidly evolving world, the bank
                Ms. Cao Thanh Huyen                                             serves as a crucial platform for us to not only
                Head of Macro Trading and          Ms. Trinh Nhu Quynh          learn but also to experiment, encounter failure,
                Financial Markets                  Head of Corporate Affairs,    and, ultimately, grow.
                                                   Brand and Marketing
          Standard  Chartered  sets  clients  and  the
          community at the center of its strategy and makes   The bank’s culture is the key reason I decided to
          this a rule of thumb in its daily operations. It is a   work here. I have been working for the bank for
          place where employees can be successful without   over  12  years,  and  I  love  the  team  spirit  and
          compromising their true selves, as the bank sees   positive relations with my colleagues and peers   Ms. Tran Minh Huong
          diversity and inclusion as a strength to provide a   in the franchise. Work-life balance is also an area   Head of HR
          more comprehensive service to our clients.    of  focus  at  the  bank,  and  I  always  have  the
          I believe that a great leader comes with a clear   freedom  to  do  my  job.  The  bank  also
          vision  of  where  to  go,  authorizes  people  to  do   incorporates values into its culture, and builds a   I  am  fortunate  to  have  grown  with  Standard
          what they think is best, and appreciates the good   solid  framework  for  attracting  and  retaining   Chartered  for  most  of  my  career.  The  key
                                             clients  and  talented  employees.  Standard   reasons keeping me with the bank for so long is
                                             Chartered  provides  growth  opportunities  that   that I can see a better version of myself every day
                                             motivate staff to learn more to take the bank to   and every year, as there are plenty of learning
                                             new heights. All of this makes me feel proud to   opportunities.  And,  most  importantly,  the
                Mr. William Yeo              work for Standard Chartered.       purpose and values of the bank are very close to
                Head of Audit                I strongly encourage frequent open discussions   me and resonate with my own.
                                             among team members to identify and agree upon   Leadership  is  about  Aspiring,  Inspiring,  and
                                             solutions. I am also consistent in what I expect   Executing,  which  are  well  stated  under  the
          I have been with Standard Chartered for the last   from  my  team  and  how  I  manage  results.  My   bank’s leadership agreement. Leaders should
          ten  years.  On  a  daily  basis,  I  see  the  bank   team and I are encouraged to listen to each other   have  strong  aspirations  and  the  ability  and
          embedding its valued behaviors of Do the Right   as much as possible and to let our actions speak.   passion to inspire others to shine and reach
          Thing, Never Settle, and Better Together into its   I  set  a  clear  vision  for  the  team,  and  team   their  full  potential.  Leaders  are  expected  to
          policies,  processes,  and  client  relations.  I  am   members don’t hesitate to respond. I trust my   set  out  a  compelling  vision  and  foster
          proud of my role, as I am able to contribute to   team  and  don’t  hesitate  to  take  responsibility   collaboration for the team to work towards a
          helping the bank achieve its long-term ambition   when the team fails, while also giving them credit   common goal. Leaders could be those who are
          of creating a brighter future in the communities   when they succeed. I am there to serve my team,   setting a great example and take the lead to
          it operates in.                    not on the other way around.       make a positive change.

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