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         The rapid digital transformation taking place across many industries is disrupting
         treasury management practices while creating opportunities for treasurers to
         better manage their cash flow and accelerate business growth.


               ash management entails more than                                an  expectation  of  a  similar  experience
               simply making and receiving pay-                                when dealing with corporates. This means
         C ments. It is about an organization                                  that corporates must embed new payment
         unlocking  the  potential  to  achieve  more                          technologies into their cash management
         with their cash as they Collect, Hold, and                            operations to meet the growing customer
         Pay. The evolving needs of customers, the                             needs  and  expectations.  We  are  seeing
         increasingly competitive business environ-                            more  and  more  corporates  increasingly
         ment, and the advent of new technologies                              adopt  the  use  of  instant  payments  and
         is transforming cash management offerings                             other digital payments when dealing with
         and capabilities, from commoditized prod-                             their counterparties, i.e., buyers, employees,
         ucts to value-added solutions. At Standard                            etc., to remain relevant in a rapidly-changing
         Chartered,  we  put  our  clients  and  their                         environment and to better manage their
         businesses at the center when designing                               cash flows. While instant payments allow
         holistic solutions that will allow them to                            corporates to send and receive payments
         Collect, Hold, and Pay in a more efficient,                           instantly within Vietnam, combining this
         faster, and secure manner.                                            with API Banking - real-time connectivity
           The rapid digital transformation taking                             between  the  corporate  and  the  bank  to
         place across many industries is disrupting                            exchange financial transactions / messages
         treasury management practices while cre-                              -  helps  amplify  the  benefits  by  enabling
         ating opportunities for treasurers to better                          corporates to achieve better liquidity with
         manage their cash flow and accelerate busi-  experience that is tailored to their individual   accelerated collections of their receivables
         ness growth. The rise of digital payments,   needs and preferences, in one unified plat-  and just-in-time payments.
         the  growth  in  B2B  e-commerce,  and  the   form.  Ultimately,  consumers  want  the   With the growth of alternative payment
         adoption of APIs (Application Programming   ability to shop and pay anytime, anywhere.   methods and as organizations take their
         Interfaces) are key drivers behind the latest   This shift in the retail space also calls for   businesses  online  and  expand  into  new
         cash management trends we have been wit-  retailers to leverage new technologies, such   markets, they are confronted with an ever-
         nessing  in  Vietnam  and  across  ASEAN.   as  omni-channel,  for  their  e-commerce   growing list of payment options and pay-
         The adoption of digital payments was accel-  offerings, to enhance their digitalization,   ment service providers (PSPs). Standard
         erated by Covid-19 and has continued in   operational efficiency, inventory turnover,   Chartered makes it easy for businesses to
         recent years mainly due to changing con-  and customer experience. With the shift   discover and accept popular payment meth-
         sumer behavior. While we have transited   to  e-commerce,  the  way  that  consumers   ods with a single integration and a single
         into a post-pandemic world, many businesses   want  to  pay  has  also  evolved  drastically,   contract through Straight2Bank Pay, our
         have continued their e-commerce operations   moving away from conventional payment   omni-channel digital collections gateway.
         to reap its operational benefits as well as to   methods like cards and cash to alternative   Straight2Bank Pay enables organizations
         accommodate changes in consumer behavior.   payment  methods  like  e-wallets,  instant   to present multiple payment options (such
         As a result, there has been a record rise in   payments, and QR codes, etc., which speaks   as e-wallets, cards, bank transfers, instant
         e-commerce competition, fueled by many   to the exponential growth in volume and   payments, and QR code payments) to their
         retailers shifting their business models to   value. As these alternative payment methods   consumers.  The  gateway  can  facilitate
         online and direct-to-consumer.     continue to grow in popularity, more options   digital  collections  across  sales  channels,
           The  convenience  of  e-commerce  has   are emerging in Vietnam and across Stan-  all through a single technical connection
         driven consumer demand for omni-channel   dard Chartered’s footprint.   and a single contract with Standard Char-
         retail experiences that are not bound within   As consumers are already used to the   tered,  and  enable  operational  efficiency
         a  physical  shop.  Consumers  now  expect   convenience of these alternative payment   for reconciliation with real-time payment
         retailers to provide them with a seamless   methods (i.e., person-to-person), there is   confirmation  from  Standard  Chartered.

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