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            VER S
                                                                               together can make a high mountain.”
                                                               INTERVIEW       that promote both environmental sus-
                                                                               Vietnam must prioritize inclusive policies
                                                                               tainability and social equity.
            Path to global                                                     to the national power grid is still a critical
                                                                                  For remote communities, connection
                                                                               enabler for socio-economic development,
            green leadership                                                   but local clean energy production like
                                                                               small hydroelectricity or solar are becom-
                                                                               ing more cost-effective.
                                                                                  Workers in carbon-intensive industries
            Professor Ha Duong Minh, a Vietnamese-French scientist             all over the world legitimately seek “just
            and former senior researcher at the French National Center         transition” support programs. The offshore
            for Scientific Research (CNRS), tells VET about Vietnam’s           oil and gas industry has a clear path
            potential in the transition to clean energy.                       towards offshore wind. The coal power
                                                                               sector has more time to turn around,
                                                                               since power plants are relatively new, but
                                                                               the coal exit is already being acted upon
                                                                               in government plans so nobody should
                                                                               be surprised.
                                                                                  Finally, social safety nets should be
                                                                               maintained and improved, especially
                                                                               regarding energy affordability for poor

                                                                               % What specific action do you recom-
                                                                               mend Vietnam take to achieve break-
                                                                               through success?
                                                                                  Just as the “Doi Moi” reforms unleashed
                                                                               Vietnam’s economic potential, a bold
                                                                               approach to energy transition could cat-
                                                                               alyze transformative growth. Vietnam
                                                                               should focus on implementing its power
                                                                               development plan, rapidly deploying
                                                                               proven renewables like solar and wind,
                                                                               with the goal of having solar panels on
                                                                               over half of all rooftops by 2030. Piloting
                                                                               innovative solutions such as battery
                                                                               gigafactories and smart grids is crucial,
                                                                               while fostering a startup ecosystem for
         % Can you share your perspective on   There are three key strategies for Viet-  cleantech innovation and entrepreneur-
         Vietnam’s role in the global landscape?   nam to build a thriving green economy:   ship is also essential.
           Vietnam is a model country in socio-  1  Fix simple rules to encourage investing
         economic development for this generation   in natural energy sources;   %  As an expert on energy transition,
         and is well-placed to become a world   2  Train people with the skills needed   should Vietnam expect a breakthrough
         example in sustainable development. With   for jobs in environmentally-friendly   in attracting investment in power source
         its strategic location, vibrant economy,   industries;                conversion? What does it need to do
         and commitment to green growth, it can   3  Work with other countries to obtain   to attract investors into the field of
         showcase how best to achieve rapid eco-  funding for and knowledge on envi-  renewable power sources?
         nomic progress while transitioning to a   ronmental projects.            With the right policies, Vietnam has
         low-carbon future. By tapping its abun-  By creating an attractive environment   enormous potential to attract renewable
         dant renewable energy resources and col-  for green investment, Vietnam can attract   energy investment. There is plenty of
         laborating with international partners, it   the necessary funds - more than $10   incoming solar energy and wind offshore.
         has the potential to inspire other devel-  billion a year - for clean energy and sus-  Now is the time to not only talk well
         oping countries and demonstrate that a   tainable infrastructure projects.   but also act well, as another Vietnamese
         green economy is not only possible but   As the saying goes, “If you build it,   proverb has it. The key to attracting
         also prosperous.                   they will come.”                   investment is to lower the risk, since
                                                                               this translates directly into a lower cost
         % Given your background and experi-  % What policies and initiatives should   of capital. This has to be done by imple-
         ence in sustainable development eco-  Vietnam prioritize to achieve sustain-  menting stable, transparent policies.
         nomics, what strategies do you believe   able development without compromis-  Once the first three projects are prof-
         are essential for Vietnam to thrive amid   ing social well-being?     itable, a pipeline of bankable projects
         rapid change? How can Vietnam take    A fair plan for changing to cleaner   will follow. By signaling a clear com-
         advantage of green finance from inter-  energy will make sure everyone benefits.   mitment and creating an enabling envi-
         national investors to develop a green   As the Vietnamese proverb has it, “One   ronment, Vietnam can unlock a wave of
         economy and create sustainability?   tree cannot make a hill, but three trees   green capital.

         26    Vietnam Economic Times    April 2024                                        
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