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        and other governmental bodies to advocate                              large local corporates. Supporting these
        for regulatory change, and provide teach-  “WITH TRUST IN              names as they embark on rapid growth
        in sessions to transfer the best in interna-  VIETNAM’S FDI            with funding and supporting transactional
        tional market practices that are conducive   PERFORMANCE AND           banking capabilities is critical to their
        to attracting further FDI. Given our   POTENTIAL, HSBC HAS             success and the ongoing development of
        strengths in international connectivity,                               Vietnam’s economy.
        HSBC promotes Vietnam’s story to the   MADE CEASELESS
        world and assists our multi-national cor-  EFFORTS IN FACILITATING     % The net-zero transition is a top priority
        poration (MNC) customers in understand-  INBOUND INVESTMENT            for governments and organizations glob-
        ing the opportunities the market offers.                               ally. Vietnam has followed suit, by making
          In 2023, I represented HSBC at a   TO VIETNAM.”                      a bold commitment at COP26. In order
        meeting between Prime Minister Pham                                    to support this pledge, HSBC, as a mem-
                                             Mr. Tim Evans
        Minh Chinh and key FIEs in Vietnam, to                                 ber of the Glasgow Financial Alliance
                                             CEO of HSBC Vietnam
        provide suggestions on what additional                                 for Net Zero (GFANZ) Working Group,
        steps the country could take to continue                               will work to mobilize and facilitate $7.75
        to attract investors. Vietnam continues                                billion in sustainable finance under the
        to effectively attract investment despite   to our latest ASEAN Business Sentiment   Just Energy Transition Partnership for
        a challenging global economy. This is tes-  survey, regulatory developments are   Vietnam. Is sustainable finance a trend
        tament to the opportunities the country   among the biggest barriers for FIEs look-  that banks will want to keep pace with?
        offers and the fact that the story is shifting   ing to expand in Vietnam, with 24 per   This is much more than just a trend.
        from just “FDI in and exports out”: we   cent of surveyed companies pointing to   It is a necessity given the urgency of the
        are now seeing more companies moving   the challenge of adapting to fast-changing   fight against climate change. As such,
        to Vietnam so that they can manufacture   regulations and policies within the market.   the transition to net-zero has become
        in Vietnam for Vietnam.            A more consistent and easy-to-compre-  one of the HSBC Group’s key strategic
          One need only look at the numbers. In   hend regulatory framework would be a   pillars. To achieve our net-zero goals, a
        2023, Vietnam attracted $36.6 billion in   very positive step forward in attracting   path has been charted through our Net
        FDI, an increase of more than 32 per cent   new parties to invest in the market.   Zero Transition Plan, bringing together
        over 2022. As we step into 2024, it attracted   That said, rapidly-changing regulations   the steps we intend to take to deliver the
        $4.29 billion in FDI in the first two months   and policies are not the Number 1 barrier,   ambition that we set in 2020. That includes
        of the year, a year-on-year surge of 38.6   as many have thought. Our survey shows   aligning our financing portfolio to net-
        per cent.                          that local technological capabilities have   zero by 2050 and achieving net-zero in
                                           taken over regulatory navigation to be   our operations and supply chain by 2030.
        % What should be the key focus for Viet-  the top challenge in expanding in Vietnam.   To reach these goals and have a meaningful
        nam to maximize its FDI opportunities?   While it is an area of focus that the   impact on the real economy, we are setting
          Vietnam needs to work to continuously   country needs to work on, it also reflects   out our implementation plan to embed
        refine its FDI proposition, because it is   the potential to be a centre for innovation   net-zero across all key areas of our busi-
        competing against other countries. From   as Vietnam moves up the value chain.   ness, including the products and services
        our discussions with clients, there are pain   Many global tech giants like Samsung,   we provide, how we manage risk, how
        points that still exist and there is always   LG, and Foxconn have chosen the country   our policies can help drive change, and
        room for improvement. They reference   as a manufacturing base, while other   how we govern ourselves, develop our
        the need for accessibility to quality workers   FIEs such as Hewlett-Packard, Robert   culture, and measure our progress.
        and the ongoing need to improve produc-  Bosch GmbH, and Panasonic Corp. have
        tivity as Vietnam moves up the quality   established local R&D facilities.   % What are the challenges in developing
        curve. Vietnam still ranks behind other                                this plan?
        major ASEAN markets in terms of work-  % FDI aside, local corporates are playing   The most significant challenge in devel-
        place productivity, with output per hour   their part in driving Vietnam’s economic   oping a transition plan at this early stage
        worked being relatively low at 9.7 compared   growth. How is HSBC supporting this?   is the relative novelty of the process and
        to a range of 10~26 for other ASEAN   The growing sophistication of local   the uncertainty in many areas that we
        nations. The country needs to further   corporates is an important driver for the   are seeking to address. The only certainty
        invest in education and training to ensure   economy and plays as big a role as FDI.   is that these and other developing areas
        that its workforce has the skills needed to   As a bank that has had a presence in the   will unfold and develop in ways that we
        meet the requirements of foreign investors.   market for over 150 years, we have seen   cannot accurately forecast today. As a
          In addition, Vietnam’s logistics per-  and accompanied the strong evolution of   result, the ambition and details around
        formance index also lags behind China,   local corporates. As they become more   implementation in this transition plan
        Malaysia, and Thailand, with gaps seen in   sophisticated, they demand more sophis-  will need to evolve over time. Rather than
        logistics capacity, delivery time, and trace-  ticated banking products and solutions   wait for these areas to become clear, we
        ability, etc. Logistics infrastructure currently   to their needs. We have the ability with   have chosen to lay out and pursue the
        falls short of reaching international stan-  our investment banking teams out of   plans we have today, based on currently
        dards, and road transport commands a 74   both Hong Kong (China) and Singapore   available data, infrastructure, resources,
        per cent share of overall transport means,   to bring the latest products and structuring   technologies and standards. Our transition
        while demand is actually skewed towards   capabilities to the market.   plan will form the basis of further work
        sea transport and adequate port space   What helps us get ahead of the com-  on our journey to net-zero over time, and
        that supports Vietnam’s export story.   petition is our Middle Market Enterprise   we expect to review and update it period-
          Regulatory navigation also continues   (MME) strategy, where we aim to support   ically, but at the end of the day we all need
        to be a critical consideration for investors   those rapidly-growing companies that   to start somewhere and even the longest
        looking to invest in Vietnam. According   will one day become the next significant   journeys start with a few small steps. %
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