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                                                                               risks before they escalate into crises. By
                                                                               building this culture, we can safeguard
                                                                               our reputation, financial stability, and
                                                                               long-term sustainability even in very
                                                                               dynamic market conditions.
                                                                                  Third, it is necessary to have the right
                                                             INTERVIEW         people business and having great people
                                                                               people. At the end of the day, banking is a
                                                                               leads to great results. I am very grateful to
                                                                               be part of such an exceptional team, who
                                                                               are highly adaptable, motivated, passionate,
                                                                               and dedicated. We know how to adapt,
                                                                               how to capture opportunities, and how to
                                                                               work effectively together as a team to serve
                                                                               our customers.
                                                                                  Last but not least, our unrivalled inter-
                                                                               national network remains a key competitive
                                                                               advantage and we will continue to support
                                                                               cross-border business flows between major
         TOGETHER                                                              trade corridors while also taking best busi-
                                                                               ness practices from other markets and
                                                                               introducing them in Vietnam.
         MOVING FORWARD                                                          %  As you noted, FDI continues to be

                                                                               one of the main pillars of Vietnam’s
                                                                               growth story. Given the global chal-
                                                                               lenges, like economic slowdown and
         Mr. Tim Evans, CEO of HSBC Vietnam, shares his views with VET on      geopolitical uncertainties, can the coun-
         the bank’s success and how it encourages FDI flows into the country.   try’s FDI potential remain intact?
                                                                                  There is no doubt that Vietnam con-
                                                                               tinues to be a very successful FDI story.
                                                                               The country has been one of the biggest
         % 2023 was a very good year for HSBC,   us with 26 different awards across all   recipients of FDI in ASEAN, given its
         with record-breaking financial perform-  aspects of our business.     strong fundamentals, political stability,
         ance. As one of the most outstanding                                  cost advantages, market access through
         foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) in   % What were the secret ingredients in   free trade agreements (FTAs), and stable
         Vietnam, how do you view its results?   this success?                 currency, etc. In particular, its recent par-
           The HSBC Group’s results were under-  First, we have had the right strategy   ticipation in numerous FTAs has opened
         pinned by exceptional performance across   in place and this underpins all decisions   up new market opportunities for foreign
         all of our businesses and all the geogra-  that we make as a team. It is a strategy   investors, which helps strengthen its posi-
         phies in which we operate. HSBC Vietnam   that aligns with the five key areas that   tion as an attractive destination for FDI
         certainly contributed to the overall stand-  are propelling Vietnam’s economic growth,   in 2024 and beyond.
         out Group performance. Our strategy,   such as very strong FDI flows, the growing   While much of the investment initially
         which supports our ambition to be the   sophistication of Vietnamese corporates,   entered the lower value-add textile and
         preferred international financial partner   a growing middle class that is driving   footwear space, Vietnam has quickly
         of our clients, includes accelerating the   domestic consumption story, positioning   climbed up the value chain, growing into
         shift of capital to areas that are showing   ourselves for the stock market’s upgrade   a key hub for electronics assembly. Much
         material development, like Asia, while   from Frontier to Emerging Market status,   of the success in technology is due to Sam-
         also focusing on the growing wealth story   and financing / supporting the country’s   sung’s multi-year FDI roadmap in Vietnam,
         that is also unfolding in the region.   transition to net-zero.       with investment of more than $20 billion
           In Vietnam in particular, 2023 was   Second, we have the right culture across   over the last two decades resulting in half
         another strong year for HSBC. We continued   our team that helps drive our success. It   of its global smartphone production being
         to use our international network to support   is a culture that stands for self-belief, for   in Vietnam. This has also incentivized
         FDI flows into the country, utilized  our   getting it done, for resilience in the face   other tech giants and suppliers to expand
         Capital Financing teams to support the   of adversity and for working together as a   their operations in the country.
         growing sophistication of Vietnamese cor-  team, for innovation, and  for doing the   With trust in Vietnam’s FDI perform-
         porates, and positioned our retail franchise   right thing. Moreover, a strong risk culture   ance and potential, HSBC has made cease-
         to capture the growing middle-class story.   is an essential prerequisite for teams like   less efforts in facilitating inbound invest-
           Looking back over the past year, our   ours to navigate the uncertainties, make   ment to Vietnam. In 2020, we signed an
         team can be proud of our performance   informed decisions, and succeed in today’s   MoU with the Foreign Investment Agency
         given the external challenges. We were   complex business and economic environ-  at the Ministry of Planning and Investment
         able to exceed the targets we set for our-  ment. At HSBC Vietnam, all of us have   and have engaged in regular dialogues
         selves and we delivered by far our best   an obligation to create an environment   and advisory and joint collaboration efforts
         results in our 150+ years in Vietnam.   where team members are encouraged to   to promote the Vietnam story to bring in
         This was recognized by our customers,   report potential risks, through which we   additional quality FDI. We also engage
         the market, and the media, who presented   can work to effectively mitigate such   with the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)

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