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‘We must think globally
and act locally’
In an exclusive interview with VET, French Ambassador to Vietnam, H.E. Olivier
Brochet, stressed the urgency of climate action and highlighted the crucial role
of collaboration between France, Vietnam, and the international community in
building a sustainable future.
THE GLOBAL CHALLENGE and severity of droughts are also impact- France and G7 partners to accelerate the
OF CLIMATE CHANGE ing agriculture, particularly in the central shift towards clean energy sources in Viet-
highlands. These are tangible threats nam. Additionally, the AFD financing
% Your Excellency, the challenges posed with far-reaching consequences for Viet- projects focused on climate resilience,
by climate change are felt globally, with nam’s economic development and the such as coastal protection initiatives in
rising temperatures and sea levels pos- well-being of its people. Quang Nam, are tangible demonstrations
ing significant risks. How do you see of cooperation yielding positive results.
these global trends affecting Vietnam, % Climate change is a global challenge,
a country with a vast coastline and requiring a coordinated international % Building on the idea of cooperation,
highly populated coastal areas? response. How can international coop- what role do you believe diplomacy plays
Vietnam is, unfortunately, one of the eration be most effective in addressing in creating international frameworks
nations most vulnerable to climate change climate change in Vietnam? Are there and galvanizing action on climate change?
globally. The rising sea levels you mention specific existing initiatives or partner- Diplomacy is absolutely crucial. It
pose a direct threat to coastal communi- ships that demonstrate the value of this creates the space for dialogue and builds
ties, critical infrastructure, and the fertile collaborative approach? bridges of understanding necessary for
Mekong Delta – a vital agricultural region France strongly believes that collabo- nations to find common ground. Climate
highlighted in the Mekong Emergency ration is the key to effectively addressing diplomacy is about identifying areas of
report issued in 2022 by the GEMMES climate change. The Paris Agreement in mutual interest, ensuring a fair distri-
program, developed by the French Devel- 2015 is a testament to the power of nations bution of effort towards mitigation goals,
opment Agency (AFD). Climate change coming together for a common cause. and facilitating the sharing of knowledge
also contributes to the intensification of There are numerous examples of cooper- and technology. It’s about forging a
extreme weather events like typhoons ation specifically addressing Vietnam’s global approach that respects the specific
and floods, which cause severe damage challenges. The Just Energy Transition needs and development challenges of
and loss of life. The increasing frequency Partnership is a major initiative involving countries like Vietnam while pushing
32 Vietnam Economic Times April 2024