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Dear readers,

                In addition to climate change, another danger threatening life on our planet is environmental pollution, which is
                a matter of great concern for all nations.

                Saving the planet from such danger is a task that requires a high degree of responsibility and conscious effort from
                every individual.

                Sustainable development cannot be achieved if the natural environment is destroyed intentionally or unintentionally.

                Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has reiterated many times that Vietnam does not and will not sacrifice the
                environment for economic development.

                His message is very clear.

                At the COP26 conference in Glasgow in November 2021, the Prime Minister voiced Vietnam’s strong commitment
                to bring net emissions down to zero by the middle of the century, took the pledge to reduce global methane
                emissions in 2030 compared to 2010, joined the Glasgow leaders’ declaration on forests and land use, and signed
                the Global Coal to Clean Power Transition Statement.

                Such commitments from Vietnam to environmental protection and climate action have been supported by the
                international community. The Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), established between Vietnam and
                the International Partners Group (IPG), including the EU, the UK, France, Germany, the US, Italy, Canada,
                Japan, Norway, and Denmark, reached agreement in December 2022 to finance Vietnam an initial $15.5 billion
                over the next three to five years to help the country achieve its target of net-zero emissions by 2050 and create a
                future for green power.

                Both opportunities and challenges lie ahead for Vietnam.

                In shared efforts to ensure climate change resilience and environmental protection, major attention must be paid
                to environmental, social, governance (ESG) practices, which are increasingly seen as criteria for sustainability that
                every business community needs to follow.

                To pave the way for sustainable and resilient growth in the future, Vietnam encourages ESG-focused investment.
                Our Cover Story in this December issue therefore looks at the ESG journey in Vietnam, with a focus on policies to
                encourage ESG-assisted investment, the opportunities and challenges in achieving net-zero emissions by 2050,
                and ESG practices in place at domestic and foreign enterprises, as well as comments from analysts.

                Dear readers,

                Though many positive developments have been seen in the global economy, 2023 has nonetheless been a testing
                time for almost all economies due to lingering economic uncertainties from military conflict and geopolitical
                competition globally. The demanding year will, however, soon come to an end.

                It is hoped that the new year of 2024 will bring peace, stability, and prosperity to all nations.

                Allow me this opportunity to say a heartfelt “Thank You” to you, our dear readers, for your continued support,
                without which our magazine would not be as successful as it is today.

                Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

                                                                                   DR. CHU VAN LAM
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