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AT A GLANCE                                                            Congratulations on Romania Great Union Day

                                             VISITS PAID TO JAPAN, TURKEY & UAE  BILATERAL & MULTILATERAL RELATIONS

                           During talks in Tokyo on November 27,   and Empress Masako. The President also attended a ceremony in
                           State President Vo Van Thuong and Japanese   celebration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between
                           Prime Minister Kishida Fumio agreed to   Vietnam and Japan, and called on many other Japanese senior
                           upgrade Vietnam-Japan relations to a “Com-  officials. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his
         prehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia   spouse left Hanoi on November 28 to pay an official visit to Turkey
         and the World”. The President and his spouse paid an official visit   from November 29-30 and then to attend the 28th UN Climate
         to Japan from November 27-30 at the invitation of the Japanese   Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) and hold several bilateral
         State, during which they met with Japanese Emperor Naruhito   activities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) until December 3.

         The National Assembly (NA) adopted a resolution on November 9   per 10,000 people is to increase to 32.5, the
         on the socio-economic development plan for 2024, which sets a   rate of trained workers is to rise to 69 per
         GDP growth target of 6-6.5 per cent. Per capita income is to reach   cent of the workforce, with those having
         $4,700-4,730, while the manufacturing and processing sector is   degrees and certificates accounting for 28-
         tasked with contributing 24.1-24.2 per cent to GDP and workplace   28.5 per cent, health insurance coverage will stand at 94.1 per cent
         productivity is to grow 4.8-5.3 per cent. Other targets include CPI   of the population, the rate of communes meeting new-style rural
         growth of 4-4.5 per cent, and reducing human resources in the   area standards is to rise to 80 per cent, the rate of standard solid
         agriculture sector to 26.5 per cent of the country’s total workforce,   waste treatment in urban areas is to increase to 95 per cent, and
         with unemployment in urban areas to be below 4 per cent. Poverty   the rate of industrial parks and export processing zones installing
         reduction is set at over 1 per cent, the number of doctors per   standard concentrated wastewater treatment systems is to be
         10,000 people is to increase to 13.5, the number of hospital beds   about 92 per cent.

                                         VIETNAM HIGHLIGHTS LESSONS FROM SUCCESS                APEC MEETINGS
                           Addressing the Asia-Pacific Economic Coop-  of the business community and people being crucial. The President
                           eration (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting,   officially proposed that Vietnam host the APEC forum in 2027.
                           hosted by the US in San Francisco on   During his stay in San Francisco from November 14-17, he attended
                           November 17, State President Vo Van Thuong   many activities on the sidelines of the APEC Economic Leaders’
         highlighted three lessons from APEC’s success as a leading regional   Week, including a dialogue between APEC leaders and guests, a
         cooperation and connection forum that brings substantive benefits   meeting of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
         to people. The three lessons are the openness and goodwill of all   (IPEF) partner nations, and the APEC CEO Summit 2023, among
         parties to understand and overcome differences, find common   other events, in addition to bilateral meetings between Vietnam
         ground, and promote common interests; the vision and strategic   and the US. He also met with US President Joe Biden, General
         thinking of generations of leaders correctly positioning the role of   Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping, and other leaders of
         Asia and the Pacific and APEC; and the support and companionship   APEC member economies and guests.

         The government issued a resolution on November 16 to introduce   suitable applications. It is also necessary
         its action program for the implementation of Politburo Resolution   to develop and make bio-technology part
         No. 36-NQ/TW, dated January 30, 2023, on bio-tech development   of life and a key economic-technical sector
         and application, identifying concrete measures for accelerating   serving national protection and construc-
         the process, which is considered a priority mission and solution   tion, the government resolution said. The action program also
         in socio-economic development plans at all levels. Related laws,   covers building a capable workforce, increasing investment in
         mechanisms, and policies will be built and completed, creating   infrastructure, supporting enterprises’ access to new technologies
         favorable conditions for businesses, organizations, and individuals   and intellectual property patents, branding and product com-
         to take part in bio-tech research, reach breakthroughs, and create   mercialization, and international cooperation, among other tasks.


                           At the sixth meeting of the government’s   efforts in digital transformation and building a digital government,
                           Steering Committee for Administrative   the rate of administrative procedures submitted online to ministries
                           Reform on November 14, Prime Minister   and agencies has increased 1.5-fold since 2022 to 80.7 per cent of the
                           Pham Minh Chinh, who is also head of the   total, while the rate for applications submitted to local administrations
         Committee, noted that, since 2021, nearly 2,500 business regulations   rose 1.8-fold to 6.5 per cent. All of Vietnam’s 63 cities and provinces
         have been abolished or streamlined, while 437 administrative   have completed connection and data sharing between the national
         procedures related to citizens’ papers have been simplified. At the   population database and administrative procedure portals. Some
         same time, several important institutions and policies on public   84.7 million chip-based ID cards have been issued, and 91.2 million
         affairs and public servants have been promulgated. Thanks to drastic   units of information on the social security database have been verified.

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