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Congratulations on Libya’s Independence Day
                                                                                                  COVER STORY

                                                                                                       PHOTO: VIET TUAN
                        PROPER PERSPECTIVE

                            Vietnam’s FDI community has been driving sustainable growth through
                             robust ESG practices and navigating challenges for a greener future.

                                                    | By PHUONG HOA

               he implementation of environmen-  ESG Readiness Report 2022 from PwC,   Its ESG focus includes designing recyclable
               tal, social, governance (ESG) stan-  57 per cent of FDI businesses in the   products, using recycled materials, and
          T dards will play a key role in Viet-  country said they have made explicit ESG   installing a 10 MWp solar roof at its
          nam’s goal of reaching net-zero carbon   commitments, which stems from most   factory in the Mekong Delta’s Long An
          emissions by 2050 and its moves towards   following the lead of their parent company   province in 2021. The initiative has cut
          sustainable development and establishing   overseas, where ESG practices are more   about 8,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually
          a green economy. The FDI business com-  common than in Vietnam.      and saved over 11 million kWh in power
          munity in the country has been widely                                each year. It also promotes corporate
          promoting ESG practices in their business   COMMITMENTS & ACTION     social responsibility (CSR) efforts through
          activities and posted impressive results,   An example of FDI companies in Viet-  waste classification, recycling campaigns,
          contributing to such efforts while helping   nam actively engaging in ESG initiatives   and initiatives like “Exchange Trash for
          them enter and expand in the global   is the Duy Tan Plastics JSC, a member of   Gifts - Greenday”, which have reduced
          marketplace. According to the Vietnam   Thailand’s SCG Packaging Plc (SCGP).   waste by over 17 tons. The company coop-
                                                      DECEMBER 2023  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  9
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