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                               In the Vietnam - China joint statement   in terms of external relations - with six countries: China, Russia,
                               resulting from the State visit to Viet-  India, South Korea, the US, and Japan. Many other important
                               nam by General Secretary and Presi-  events in external relations took place during 2023, including visits
                               dent of China Xi Jinping from Decem-  to Vietnam by leaders from many other countries, the 9th Global
                               ber 12-13, the two sides agreed to   Conference on Young Parliamentarians, hosted by the National
                               deepen and elevate their comprehen-  Assembly (NA) from September 14-18, and overseas trips for
                               sive strategic cooperative partnership   bilateral and multilateral activities by Prime Minister Pham Minh
         and to build the Vietnam-China community with a shared future.   Chinh and NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue. All of these events were
         Earlier, during US President Joe Biden’s State visit to Vietnam from   important milestones in Vietnam’s foreign affairs, demonstrating
         September 10-11, the two sides agreed to upgrade their comprehensive   its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship,
         partnership to a comprehensive strategic partnership. The Viet-  cooperation and development, diversification, and multilateralization,
         nam-Japan strategic partnership was also upgraded to a compre-  for the interests of the nation and in the spirit of Vietnam being a
         hensive strategic partnership during State President Vo Van Thuong’s   friend of all nations and a trusted and responsible member of the
         official visit to Japan from November 27-30. Vietnam has now   international community, thus reflecting its “Bamboo Diplomacy”,
         established comprehensive strategic partnerships - the highest level   as directed by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

         2                                                    National Party Congress, to be held
                                                        MID-TERM MEETING OF PARTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE, 13TH TENURE
         The 8th plenary of the 13th Party Central Committee (mid-term
                                                              in early 2026, and carefully studied a
         meeting) was held between October 2 and 8, chaired by Party
                                                              personnel plan for the 14th Party
         General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Following discussions on
         the socio-economic situation in 2023, the plenary reached conclusions
                                                              Central Committee in the 2026-2031
         on many key matters relating to the national socio-economy in
         2023 and 2024, including a new salary policy to be applied from
                                                              importance, as it conducted a mid-
         July 1, 2024. The plenary also looked back at the implementation of   tenure. The plenary was of great
                                                              term assessment of the implemen-
         resolutions adopted by Party Central Committees from previous   tation of resolutions adopted by the 13th Party Congress, and
         tenures on social policies, national unity, intellectuals, and national   identified more measures and solutions for achieving targets set
         defense strategy, and agreed to issue new resolutions on these   out in the five-year (2021-2025) socio-economic development plan,
         matters with updated viewpoints in line with the new situation.   among other plans and policies the Party Congress has approved,
         The plenary also set up five sub-committees preparing for the XIV   while making initial preparations for the next Party Congress.
                               2023 was a challenging year for Viet-  posted positive economic growth of 5.05 per cent compared to
                               nam’s economy, with strong headwinds   2022. Though far from the targeted 6.5 per cent set for the year by
                               continuing from global economic   the National Assembly and the government, the rate was much
                               uncertainties and geopolitical com-  higher than in many other countries both regionally and globally.
                               petitiveness in addition to difficulties   Reaching over 5 per cent took a significant effort, as Vietnam had
                               at home. However, thanks to major   posted rather low rates in the first and second quarters, of 3.28 per
                               efforts from central and local gov-  cent and 4.05 per cent, respectively. The achievement will serve as a
         ernments, relevant ministries and agencies, the business community,   solid foundation for the implementation of the 2024 socio-economic
         both domestic and foreign, and workers as a whole, the country   development plan. FDI CAPITAL HITS POST-PANDEMIC RECORD
         4                                                    previous year, despite a 3.2 per cent   Registered & disbursed FDI capital,  $ billion 36.61  23.18

         Vietnam attracted FDI capital of nearly $36.61 billion in 2023, up 32.1
                                                              decline in the number of transactions.
         per cent year-on-year; a post-pandemic record. The disbursement of
                                                                                           by year (2010-2023)
                                                              Some 111 countries and territories
         FDI capital stood at about $23.18 billion, up 3.5 per cent against the
                                                              poured investment capital into Vietnam
         previous year. There were 3,188 new FDI projects granted investment
         licenses during the year, with total registered capital of over $20.19
                                                              over $6.9 billion, up 5.4 per cent year-
         billion, up 56.6 per cent in number and 62.2 per cent in capital against
         2022. Meanwhile, more than $7.88 billion was added to 1,262 existing   during the year, led by Singapore, with   19.76  11.0  14.7  11.0  13.01  10.46  11.51  20.23  12.35  11.76  14.5  15.8  17.5  19.1  20.38  19.89  19.74
                                                              on-year, followed by Japan with nearly
         FDI projects, and investment through capital contributions and share   $6.57 billion and Hong Kong (China)   2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
         purchase deals hit over $8.5 billion, up 65.7 per cent compared to the   with $4.68 billion.      Source: GSO
                               Rice and fruit and vegetable exports   2022. The rice export record, in both volume and value, was
                               posted record levels in 2023. Some   attributed to major efforts by central and local governments and
                               8.4 million tons of rice was exported,   relevant ministries and agencies in policy-making and management
                               earning $4.8 billion, year-on-year   in the context of India banning non-basmati white rice exports in
                               increases of 16.2 and 36.3 per cent,   July, while demand from global rice markets is rising. Meanwhile,
                               respectively. Meanwhile, fruit and   thanks to MoUs signed with China, a large volume of fruit and
                               vegetable export turnover stood at   vegetables were exported to the huge market, contributing to the
                               $5.6 billion, up 67.7 per cent against   record export turnover for the products.
         4  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                      
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