Page 11 - VET350
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                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET TUAN
          ADVANCING                                                                  he impressive performance of Viet-
                                                                                     nam in FDI attraction during the
                                                                               T first eleven months of 2023 stands
          FURTHER                                                              out as a notable economic achievement
                                                                               for the country. Figures from the Ministry
                                                                               of Planning and Investment (MPI) reveal
                                                                               that, as of November 20, total newly-reg-
                                                                               istered capital, additional capital, con-
          Despite successfully navigating 2023 and posting sound
                                                                               tributed capital for share purchases, and
          FDI results, analysts believe that Vietnam should adopt              contributed capital acquisitions by foreign
          more decisive measures to sustain momentum.                          investors amounted to around $28.85 bil-
                                                                               lion. This reflects a noteworthy year-on-
          | By PHUONG HOA                                                      year increase of 14.8 per cent. Total new
                                                                               projects approved in the eleven-month
                                                                               period, meanwhile, stood at 2,865. “Viet-
                                                                               nam’s registered FDI is up nearly 15 per
                                                                               cent this year, to $28.9 billion in the first
                                                                               eleven months, and includes notable proj-
                                                                               ects around the country, such as LG
                                                                               Innotek’s $1.5 billion factory, JinKo Solar’s
                                                                               $1.5 billion photovoltaic cell factory, and
                                                                               ECOVANCE’s $500 million high-tech

         14  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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