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Congratulations on Cuba’s Revolution Day
         COVER STORY

          UNCERTAINTIES                                                        7.3 per cent to make up for the rather low
                                                                               rate in 2021 of 2.58 per cent.
                                                                                  With 2023 growth being just over 5
          AHEAD                                                                per cent, the annual average in the two
                                                                               remaining years of 2024 and 2025 must
                                                                               now be at least 8 per cent.
                                                                                  This is no easy task in the context of
          As it enters into 2024, Vietnam boasts the conditions                lingering and unpredictable economic
          necessary to achieve its five-year plan but must also                 uncertainties around the globe, while cer-
                                                                               tain internal difficulties in Vietnam’s econ-
          grapple with a host of difficulties.
                                                                               omy cannot be addressed overnight.
          | By QUOC UY                                                            Undoubtedly, a range of challenges but
                                                                               also opportunities lie ahead for the country
                                                                               as it enters the new year of 2024.
                                                                                  In the socio-economic development plan
                                                                               for the year, under NA Resolution No.
                                                                               103/2023/QH15, growth is targeted at 6-
                                                                               6.5 per cent; per capita income at $4,700-
                                                                               4,730; the contribution of manufacturing
                                                                               and processing to GDP is to hit 24.1-24.2
                                                                               per cent; average productivity growth is to
                                                                               be 4.8-5.3 per cent; the agricultural work-
                                                                               force is to continue to fall, accounting for
                                                                               26.5 per cent of the country’s total workforce;
                                                                               and trained workers are to make up about
                                                                               69 per cent of all workers.
                                                                                  These targets are all within Vietnam’s
                                                                               reach, with some, such as growth, being
                                                                            PHOTO: VIET TUAN  lower than forecasts from Vietnam’s part-
                                                                               ner organizations.
                                                                                  Achieving the 2024 plan in general and
                                                                               its targets in particular will depend on many
               ietnam posted important achieve-  rate, among others, was the significant   internal and external factors, including
               ments in 2023 in terms of socio-  decline in the country’s export turnover   mechanisms and policies, efforts by min-
         V economic development, with at    compared to 2022, due to falling aggregate   istries, agencies, localities, the business com-
         least ten of the 15 targets set for the year   demand in many countries, especially in   munity and workers as a whole, the business
         reached, while inflation was kept under   Vietnam’s main export markets.   and production environments, global eco-
         control at less than 4 per cent, the consumer   According to figures from the General   nomic fluctuations, and geopolitical com-
         price index (CPI) increased by less than 4   Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO), total   petitiveness, among many others.
         per cent, growth was promoted, major   export value in 2023, as of December 20,   It is hoped that 2024 will be better
         balances in the national economy were   was estimated at some $355.5 billion, a   than 2023 for Vietnam, in terms of socio-
         guaranteed, and FDI inflows continued   year-on-year decline of 4.4 per cent.   economic outlook.
         to surge, with $36.61 billion more registered   A host of problems affected the country’s   A host of unpredictable circumstances,
         capital as of December 20, a year-on-year   economy last year. While internal factors   including changing climate and challenges
         increase of 32.1 per cent.         included difficulties, shortcomings, and lim-  from ongoing global economic and polit-
           Some main targets, however, including   itations, external factors included rapid,   ical uncertainties, still lie ahead for the
         annual growth, were not reached. Macro-  complex, and unpredictable developments   country, however.
         economic stability is still to be truly steady   in the regional and international situations.   Vietnam’s economy will certainly face
         due to major external pressure, while pro-  2023 was considered a pivotal year in   many challenges, including possible neg-
         duction and business activities have faced   the successful implementation of the five-  ative impacts from the application of the
         numerous ongoing difficulties and the   year (2021-2025) socio-economic devel-  Global Minimum Tax from January 1,
         implementation of certain elements within   opment plan adopted by the 13th National   2024, under a resolution from the NA on
         national target programs and the socio-  Party Congress in early 2021.   topped-up corporate income taxes under
         economic recovery and development pro-  It is clear that given the limits identified   the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE)
         gram remain slow.                  in socio-economic development during   rules, which may result in a decline in
           Vietnam’s GDP growth in 2023 is esti-  the year that Vietnam will need greater   FDI inflows, as tax incentives for foreign
         mated at over 5 per cent; far short of the   efforts and more resources, both internal   investment are no longer applied.
         target of 6.5 per cent set by the National   and external, over the next two years to   Nevertheless, there is no alternative
         Assembly (NA) in Resolution No.    achieve its five-year socio-economic devel-  for Vietnam but to achieve its 2024 socio-
         68/2022/QH15, which it passed on Novem-  opment targets.              economic development plan.
         ber 10, 2022, on the socio-economic devel-  It was previously calculated that in   If it fails to do so, the five-year (2021-
         opment plan for 2023. The rate was sig-  order to achieve annual average growth of   2025) plan will be at risk of failing to
         nificantly lower than the decade-high of   6.5 per cent in the five year period, as tar-  meet the requirements set forth by the
         8.02 per cent posted in 2022.      geted, the annual average over the three   13th National Party Congress.
           One main contributor to the low growth   years from 2023 to 2025 would have to be   There are no other options.

         6  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                      
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