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Congratulations on India’s Republic Day
         COVER STORY

                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET TUAN
                              STANDING STRONG

                               International organizations have by and large maintained their faith
                              in Vietnam’s economic growth amid a host of ongoing complications.

                                                      | By NGOC LAN

         2023 was yet another tough year for the   ADB Country Director for Vietnam.    imports over 10 per cent, resulting in
         global economy with a raft of lingering   Strong headwinds have come from the   overall trade contracting 8.3 per cent.
         issues making their presence felt. Vietnam’s   global economic slowdown and collapsing   While this resulted in a sizable trade
         economic growth, meanwhile, has been   external demand, while the government   surplus for Vietnam of almost $26 billion,
         forecast at only a modest level and some   has been proactive in its policy response   it still meant that export orders, and con-
         way short of the 8.02 per cent posted in   to maintain recovery. Inflation is projected   sequently export-processing jobs, have not
         2022. However, Prime Minister Pham   at 3.8 per cent for the year, with core   yet recovered. The export sector is heavily
         Minh Chinh told a conference in early   inflation (excluding controlled price items)   reliant on FDI, which accounts for over
         December that international organizations   at 4.3 per cent, while the consumer price   70 per cent of total exports. The collapse
         continue to view Vietnam’s economic   index was only 3.2 per cent as of the end   in external demand has been significant,
         growth prospects in a positive light.   of November.                  while domestic enterprises are unable to
                                              Key challenges are being seen, espe-  take up the slack.
         2023 LANDSCAPE                     cially from the impact of negative trade   Another challenge comes from slow
           It was indeed a challenging year for   growth. This is compounded by a short-  credit growth, which had reached just
         Vietnam, with the Asian Development   lived recovery during the third quarter   8.21 per cent as of the end of November
         Bank (ADB) revising its growth projection   and a lackluster trade performance in   against the targeted 14.5 per cent set by
         down from 5.8 to 5.2 per cent for the year,   the time since. As of the end of November,   the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV). This is
         according to Mr. Shantanu Chakraborty,   exports were down about 6 per cent and   an indication that credit demand is grow-

         8  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                      
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