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         Key capital injection

         Real estate may soon benefit from rising overseas remittances
         after legal amendments created the conditions for overseas
         Vietnamese to invest in the sector.
         By PHAN DUONG

                 any analysts and overseas Viet-  the Law on Housing 2023 and the Law on   “Among the more than 5 million over-
                 namese believe that significant   Real Estate Business 2023, overseas Viet-  seas Vietnamese, a large number are now
         M flows of remittances will pour   namese are allowed to own houses and   of retirement age and wish to return home
         into Vietnam’s real estate sector following   conduct real estate business in Vietnam.   to live. At the same time, many others
         recent legal amendments, including the                                also want to invest in Vietnam’s real estate
         Land Law 2024, the Law on Housing 2023,   Demand to rise              market. The new policy will create the
         and the Law on Real Estate Business 2023,   Ms. Nguyen Viet Trieu, Vice President   conditions for them to more easily do so.
         which stipulate that overseas Vietnamese   of the Vietnamese community in Poland,   This helps to increase demand for real
         can own and use land in Vietnam in the   noted that overseas Vietnamese in general   estate among overseas Vietnamese, thus
         same way as local residents. Changes are   and Vietnamese people living in Poland   attracting more foreign capital into Viet-
         to take effect from January 1, 2025.    in particular are pleased that Vietnam   nam. This is a crucial source of funding
            The Land Law stipulates that individual   considers overseas Vietnamese on equal   for the country.”
         land users include those who have land   footing with domestic citizens. “Formerly,   Mr. Nguyen Tai Phuong, a Vietnamese
         granted or leased to them by the State,   when overseas Vietnamese wanted to buy   American and Deputy Chairman of the
         with a land use rights certificate issued by   houses in Vietnam, they had to ask their   Association for Liaison with Hai Phong’s
         the State. Land users are also those who   family members to register the property   Overseas Vietnamese, affirmed that the
         have used land in a stable manner, which,   in their names, which made them hesitate,”   regulations from the new Land Law will
         with properties attached, have the full con-  she said. “Now, with these amendments,   create more favorable conditions and solid-
         ditions needed to obtain a land use rights   overseas Vietnamese can invest in building   ify confidence among overseas Vietnamese
         certificate from the State. Both types of   housing or in technical infrastructure for   about further strengthening their ties with
         land users can include domestic individuals   lease, or can sub-lease a property they had   the homeland, boosting their investment
         and overseas Vietnamese. Meanwhile, under   rented in the country.”   potential in the country.

         42    Vietnam Economic Times    May 1, 2024                                       
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