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         Legal backing sought
         Debt recovery services need a legal framework
         due to the complex nature of the endeavor.

         By TRAM ANH

                hile consumer lending debt has   2024 reached unprecedented lows, and   tain times, people tend to refrain from
                declined, with certain banks wit-  were even worse than in the challenging   spending and borrowing, instead opting
         W nessing a significant 40 per cent   Covid-19 era. While general lending began   to invest in secure assets.”
         fall in non-performing loans, bad debts   to rebound in April, consumer credit   He emphasized the vital role consumer
         continue to increase overall, especially   remains stagnant, with a reported decline   lending plays as a catalyst for economic
         those incurred by various consumer finance   of approximately VND70 trillion ($2.7 bil-  revitalization and as a pivotal source of
         providers. Several suggestions have   lion) in the first quarter.     capital. Consumer lending serves as an
         emerged to address the complexities of                                indispensable tool in realizing Vietnam’s
         debt management and collection in Viet-  Lending down as bad debts rise   comprehensive financial strategy by 2025
         nam, such as expanding legal avenues for   Drawing on practical examples from   and its vision for 2030, as it uniquely pen-
         debt recovery services, streamlining debt   TPBank’s operations, Mr. Quan highlighted   etrates into remote and underserved regions.
         trading, and establishing a credit scoring   a significant reduction in consumer lending,   Furthermore, consumer credit, facilitated
         system for individuals.            of around 40 per cent compared to the   through established channels in commercial
            Mr. Nguyen Hong Quan, Member of   end of 2023. “Public sentiment has been   banks and consumer finance firms, holds
         the Vietnam Banks Association and Deputy   affected by global tensions, particularly   significant importance in curbing informal
         General Director of TPBank, noted that   the recent escalation of conflict in the   lending practices. Mr. Quan then posed a
         the credit situation in the first quarter of   Middle East,” he explained. “During uncer-  pertinent question: Despite its crucial role,

          “A reliable system for assessing
          citizens’ creditworthiness is
          essential. The State Bank of
          Vietnam is working with the
          Ministry of Public Security to
          introduce a reliable credit scoring
          solution, which would enable
          swift and efficient access to loans
          by credit-worthy individuals.”

          Mr. Nguyen Hong Quan
          Member of the Vietnam Banks Association
          and Deputy General Director of TPBank

         34    Vietnam Economic Times    May 1, 2024                                       
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