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         Pressure mounts

         The challenges linger in maintaining exchange rates and
         addressing the interest rate gap between the VND and USD.

         By HOANG LAN

              he State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)’s   an end and that central banks would soon   with the central bank’s successive reduc-
              efforts over the past few weeks to   relax monetary policies. Such expectations,   tions in policy interest rates. The signif-
         T regulate liquidity through the bond   however, failed to materialize, replaced by   icant interest rate differential between
         market have led to a sharp increase in   unexpected shocks.           the VND and global benchmark rates
         interbank VND interest rates. While the   In Vietnam, exchange rates became a   resulted in estimated deficits in both
         interest rate gap between the VND and   focal point as early as March. Experts   the capital and financial accounts in
         USD has narrowed somewhat, the     attribute this to the prolonged VND -   2023, reaching approximately 0.7 per
         exchange rate continues to rise steadily.   USD interest rate differential, which has   cent of GDP.
         Analysts suggest that given the substantial   persisted for nearly nine months since   In discussions with Vietnam Economic
         global inflationary pressures, domestic   mid-2023, when the SBV began reducing   Times / VnEconomy, Mr. Nguyen Ba
         exchange rates are unlikely to stabilize in   interest rates to bolster economic growth.   Hung, Chief Economist at the Asian
         the near future.                      Comprehensive data on the balance   Development Bank (ADB) in Vietnam,
                                            of payments indicates that Vietnam con-  said that given the current USD - VND
                                            tinued to benefit from positive FDI dis-  interest rate gap, the ongoing trend of
         Exchange rates
            A wave of optimism briefly swept   bursements in 2023. However, there has   withdrawing funds for markets with higher
         through global financial markets at the   been a notable increase in the outflow   interest rates is expected to persist for a
         beginning of 2024, fueled by investor beliefs   of investment capital from Vietnam since   few more months, adding to the strain
         that the battle against inflation was nearing   the second quarter of 2023, coinciding   on the balance of payments.

         36    Vietnam Economic Times    May 1, 2024                                       
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