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                                                                               compound growth rate (CAGR) of 14 per
                                                                               cent. Major economies like the US, South
                                                                               Korea, Japan, China, and EU members
         Staffing shortfall
                                                                               have all unveiled initiatives to bolster the
                                                                               semiconductor manufacturing. The indus-
         Vietnam clearly has potential in developing a semiconductor           try currently employs over 2 million work-
         industry but it must address its lack of suitable human resources.    ers directly, with 1 million more to be
                                                                               employed by 2030 in segments such as
                                                                               design, manufacturing, assembly, pack-
         By NHI ANH
                                                                               aging, and testing.
                                                                                  Addressing a recent seminar on the
                                                                               development of a semiconductor workforce,
                                                                               Associate Professor Truong Viet Anh, Head
                                                                               of the Science and Technology Department
                                                                               at the Hanoi University of Science and
                                                                               Technology, said Vietnam currently has
                                                                               around 5,000 semiconductor engineers,
                                                                               primarily specializing in design and testing.
                                                                               With expected growth in annual demand
                                                                               of 10-15 per cent, Vietnam will need to
                                                                               have 50,000 semiconductor engineers by
                                                                               2030, with 10,000 to be trained each year.
                                                                                  Industry experts have said that Vietnam
                                                                               stands at a significant juncture in advancing
                                                                               its semiconductor sector, benefiting from
                                                                               the presence of numerous global conglom-
                                                                               erates and local startups. However, its
                                                                               involvement is limited to certain early and
                                                                               final-stage activities, and it lacks the nec-
                                                                               essary manufacturing facilities.
                                                                                  In terms of design, Vietnam boasts
                                                                               six companies, including Viettel’s VHT,
                                                                               FPT Semiconductor, InfraSen, VnChip,
                                                                               Wavelet, and Hyphen Deux, while approx-
                                                                               imately 40 foreign players from Japan,
                                                                               the US, Taiwan (China), and South Korea
                                                                               contribute around 5,600 engineers in the
                                                 ietnam is recognized as a country   design phase.
                                                 with abundant opportunities and   In testing and packaging, Vietnam is
                                            V the necessary prerequisites for fos-  progressively becoming an attractive des-
                                            tering the growth of a semiconductor   tination for major corporations looking
                                            ecosystem. This makes it an attractive des-  to relocate their operations. Others have
                                            tination for investment and offers the   been here for some time. The Intel plant
                                            potential for it to elevate its position and   has been operational since 2009, with
           “To advance the semiconductor    profile within the global semiconductor   close to 3,000 engineers, alongside the
                                            supply chain. However, alongside the prom-  Amkor factory in northern Bac Ninh
           sector, Vietnam requires a highly-  ise are challenges in supply chains and a   province and Hana Micron Vina Company
           skilled workforce to attract FDI   shortage of chip engineers and other skilled   in neighboring Bac Giang province,
           into the field. The vision is for   workers to support development.   employing an estimated 4,000 people.
                                               The semiconductor sector has a pivotal   According to a National Innovation
           Vietnam to lead in chip design   role to play for many industries, and   Center report, if the projected demand
           technology, with a wealth of     draws interest worldwide. Projections   for semiconductor engineers reaches 50,000
           experienced professionals in     suggest it could generate revenue in excess   by 2030, approximately 204,000 jobs will
                                            of $620 billion beyond 2024 and $1 trillion   be generated directly and indirectly.
           design, packaging, and circuit
                                            by 2030.                              Known for its attractiveness in semi-
           testing. This would give rise to    It is also considered a cornerstone in   conductor investments, Bac Giang has
           numerous semiconductor design    the technological competition between   three manufacturers in its industrial parks,
                                            global powers in the 21st century. In Viet-  according to Mr. Nguyen Xuan Ngoc,
           firms in Vietnam engaged in
                                            nam, forecasts indicate that a semicon-  Deputy Head of the Industrial Park Man-
           designing and bringing products   ductor industry could achieve a scale of   agement Board.
           to market, thereby stimulating the   $20-30 billion by 2030.           There are currently 8,074 workers
                                                                               employed in semiconductor enterprises
           semiconductor industry’s growth.”
                                            10,000 engineers in need each year   around the province. These enterprises
                                               The semiconductor chip market has   anticipate hiring an additional 1,866 work-
           Associate Professor Pham Tran Vu
           Vice Rector of the Ho Chi Minh City    posted consistent and rapid growth over   ers this year, with a further 6,300 to be
           University of Technology         the past two decades, boasting an annual   recruited between 2025 and 2030.

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