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           According to Mr. Nguyen Hoai   legitimate rights of overseas Viet-
        Bac, a Vietnamese Canadian, in   namese, who can rest assured
        order to see Vietnam fully develop,   when investing in, buying homes,
        “we must be ‘open-minded’ to   or doing business in their native
        expand investment, business, and   country. “The amendments will
        development,” he said. “Housing   also help increase overseas remit-
        is now no longer just an individual   tances for investing in real estate,”
        concern in an individual country   she said. “They also encourage
        but a global issue. Vietnam is not   overseas Vietnamese to retain their
        exempt from this, particularly with   nationality or reapply for Viet-
        over 5.3 million overseas Viet-  namese citizenship. We hope there
        namese. Overseas Vietnamese   will be soon be specific guidance
        investing in buying homes in Viet-  on how overseas Vietnamese can
        nam demonstrates their desire to   conduct real estate transactions,
        connect with their homeland both   such as buying, donating, trans-
        physically and mentally.”    ferring, or inheriting land use
           He also noted that housing is   rights and housing.”
        related to dozens of other sectors.   Assessing the impact of the
        A stagnant real estate market affects   amendments on Vietnam’s real         will open up additional sources
        the overall economy as well. He   estate market, Mr. Peter Hong,   Figures from the State   of capital and knowledge for the
        therefore believes that to ensure   Chairman of the Business Asso-  Committee for   country. We are witnessing this
        that the legal changes effectively   ciation of Overseas Vietnamese,   Overseas Vietnamese   happening in various industries
        enter into practice, guidelines for   stressed that there are currently   Affairs show that,   in Vietnam. For example, the New
        implementation need to be especially   over 2 million overseas Viet-  from 1993 (the first   Turing Institute and VinAI, which
        transparent and clear so that overseas   namese aged between 50 and 60   year figures were kept)   is a team of over 20 PhDs who
        Vietnamese easily understand them   who wish to return to Vietnam   to the end of 2022,   have returned to Vietnam and are
                                                                  total remittances
        and can conveniently invest in the   and settle down. Most dream of   exceeded $190 billion,   using their knowledge and intel-
        real estate market or buy individual   owning a house in their homeland.
                                                                  nearly equal to the   lectual property to help develop
        properties in Vietnam.       This demand has long been in   amount of FDI    the country.”
           Mr. Tran Ba Phuc, Chairman   place but could never be met pre-  disbursed in the same   Figures from the State Com-
        of the Association of Vietnamese   viously, due to laws prohibiting   period. It is estimated   mittee for Overseas Vietnamese
        Entrepreneurs in Australia and   overseas Vietnamese from pur-  that about 15-20 per   Affairs show that, from 1993 (the
        Vice Chairman of the Business   chasing land use rights or invest-  cent of these funds   first year figures were kept) to the
        Association of Overseas Viet-  ing in real estate in Vietnam.   were directly invested   end of 2022, total remittances
                                                                  in real estate.
        namese, believes that the passage   Overseas remittances exceeded            exceeded $190 billion, nearly equal
        of these laws is a significant mile-  $16 billion in 2023, at a time         to the amount of FDI disbursed
        stone for overseas Vietnamese in   when Vietnam’s real estate market         in the same period. It is estimated
        general and those in Australia in   has been sluggish. Therefore, these      that about 15-20 per cent of these
        particular, reflecting Vietnam’s   recent amendments, containing             funds were directly invested in real
        open policies, which have been   more favorable conditions for               estate. Therefore, many experts
        made for national unity.     overseas Vietnamese at this oppor-              believe that these new regulations
                                     tune moment, can be considered                  hold great significance for the real
        Market revival               a “golden opportunity” to revive                estate market and the economy as
           “The issue of property owner-  and stimulate the country’s real           a whole, especially as remittances
        ship in Vietnam has always been   estate market.                             reached over $16 billion in 2023.
        of interest to  overseas Vietnamese   Mr. Troy Griffiths, Deputy Man-        It is expected that remittances this
        in Australia,” Mr. Phuc said. “The   aging Director, Central Manage-         year and the years to come will
        Vietnamese community in Aus-  ment, at Savills Ho Chi Minh City,             remain substantial. %
        tralia is very happy with the pas-  said Savills has had the opportunity
        sage of the amended Land Law,   to collaborate with many overseas
        which aligns with amendments to   Vietnamese. They are individuals
        the Law on Housing and the Law   who have migrated abroad after
        on Real Estate Business. These   years of hard work and now possess
        amendments contribute to     certain assets and funds, and are
        addressing a longstanding legal   considering reinvesting in Vietnam
        disadvantage, so that overseas Viet-  or even contemplating returning
        namese can buy a house in Viet-  to their homeland.
        nam.” He added that the amend-  “Vietnamese people usually
        ments grant overseas Vietnamese   hold family values in high regard,”
        the right to own property and to   he said. “This tradition is quite
        live in their own house while work-  beautiful, because it not only pro-
        ing and living in Vietnam.   vides financial resources but also
           Similarly, Ms. Phan Bich Thien,   skills and expertise that can be
        Vice President of the Vietnamese   transferred to Vietnam. Thus, this
        Community in Hungary, said a   initiative from the government is
        clear legal foundation protects the   greatly welcomed, and hopefully
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