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AT A GLANCE                                                          Congratulations on Cameroon National Day


         According to the latest World Bank Taking Stock economic update,   estate sector is anticipated later this year
         released on April 23, Vietnam’s economy showed mixed signs of   and next year, bolstering domestic demand
         recovery in early 2024, with growth forecast to reach 5.5 per cent   as investors and consumers regain confi-
         this year and then 6.0 per cent in 2025. Addressing a press   dence, he said. WB Senior Economist in
         conference held by the World Bank (WB) on the same day, WB   Vietnam, Ms. Dorsati Madani, said the forecast is based on the
         Lead Economist for Vietnam, Mr. Andrea Coppola, said the   assumption that exports of manufactured industrial goods will
         country’s exports are recovering and consumption and private   recover significantly in 2024 thanks to a rebound in growth of 8.5
         domestic investment are growing more gradually. Real exports are   per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2023 and a 17.2 per
         expected to grow 3.5 per cent in 2024, reflecting a gradual improve-  cent increase year-on-year in the first quarter of 2024, together
         ment in global demand. In addition, a turnaround in the real   with improving global demand.

                                               IMF: VIETNAM HOLDS APPEAL                    FOREIGN INVESTMENT

                           The Vietnam News Agency on April 23   growth to the end of this year. He forecast that Vietnam’s economic
                           quoted Mr. Paulo Medas, Head of the   growth will expand nearly 6 per cent this year thanks to a recovery
                           International Monetary Fund (IMF) in   in domestic demand and the government’s supportive fiscal
                           Vietnam, as telling the annual meetings   policies. However, the country also needs a flexible fiscal policy
         of the IMF and the World Bank Group (WB), held recently in the   to cope with risks and ensure substantial growth, he noted,
         US, that Vietnam is an attractive destination for foreign investors   adding that it continues to receive a large volume of FDI amid
         thanks to its high, stable growth, large domestic market, and   the shifting of supply chains to Asia. He recommended that to
         young, well-educated human resources. Despite rising geopolitical   retain its attractiveness, Vietnam should continue to improve its
         instability around the globe, he continued, Vietnam’s economy   business environment, streamline administrative procedures,
         posted growth of 5.66 per cent in the first quarter of this year.   develop infrastructure, especially for green energy development,
         Exports continue to see an upwards trend, facilitating overall   and promote innovation.

         In his opening remarks at the ASEAN Future Forum 2024, which   developing a dynamic, connected, and
         opened in Hanoi on April 23, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh   resilient community by 2045. Initiated by
         said that ASEAN should adopt a strategic and comprehensive   Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, the
         vision and improve its resilience to seize opportunities and cope   Forum had the theme “Toward Fast and
         with global headwinds for stable and sustainable development. He   Sustainable Growth of a People-Centered ASEAN Community”,
         recommended that the bloc enhance harmonized, sustainable, and   and drew the participation of nearly 500 delegates, including
         inclusive development, and not sacrifice social progress and justice   ASEAN Secretary General Kao Kim Hourn, government officials,
         and the environment in pursuit of economic growth. He called on   business leaders, scholars, and partner nations. Measures to ensure
         the bloc to be consistent with its global, all-people, comprehensive   harmony between economic development and the environment
         approach to stay strong in any circumstances, and realize its goal of   and to improve climate change response were also on the agenda.

                                                             APPLE CEO PAYS VISIT              VIETNAM - US TIES

                           Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received   creates the most favorable conditions possible and accompanies
                           the visiting CEO of Apple, Mr. Tim Cook,   and supports enterprises, including foreign-invested enterprises
                           in Hanoi on April 16. He said the growing   (FIEs), to operate effectively and sustainably in the country. Mr.
                           Vietnam-US relations, which have been   Cook, for his part, told his host that there remains significant
         upgraded to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, lay the foun-  space for further cooperation and better results can be achieved
         dation for bilateral cooperation across all fields, particularly   in the future. With two legal entities in Vietnam, over 70 manu-
         science and technology, innovation, high-quality human resources   facturing partners producing original equipment, 40 distribution
         training, semiconductors, and digital transformation. He suggested   partners, and over 5,000 authorized stores, Apple has provided
         that the US giant voice its support for the US recognizing Vietnam   jobs for about 200,000 people in Vietnam. It hopes to further
         as a market economy and removing it from the high-tech export   strengthen its investment in the country, particularly in developing
         restriction list. The Prime Minister also affirmed that Vietnam   high-tech products and applications, Mr. Cook said.


         At a meeting held on April 22 to discuss the Secretariat’s Directive   conference. Ms. Mai said that since the EC
         No. 32-CT/TW on enhancing the Party’s leadership in fighting   imposed its “yellow card” warning in 2017,
         illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and sustainable   Vietnam has become further aware of the
         development in the fisheries sector, Ms. Truong Thi Mai, Politburo   practice’s negative impact on the long-term
         Member, Permanent Member of the Party Central Committee’s   development of the fisheries sector. Greater awareness can be seen
         Secretariat, and Chairwoman of the Party Central Committee’s   among all-level Party committees, the political system, localities,
         Organization Commission, demanded full awareness, full action,   fishermen, and relevant workers, who have also taken stronger
         and full determination to have the European Commission (EC)’s   action, she added. Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang presented
         “yellow card” warning to Vietnam over IUU fishing lifted this year.   the government’s action plan for implementing Directive No. 32 to
         The meeting was linked to 28 coastal cities and provinces via video-  the meeting.

         6    Vietnam Economic Times    May 1, 2024                                        
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